"Fresh Art" and "Fresh Photos" on your iPhone

Our free iPhone app "Fresh Photos" shares new photos throughout the day from the photographers on FanArtReview.com. Our free iPhone app "Fresh Art" shares artwork.

View, review and shop throughout the day. Photos and artwork posted in the past 24 hours that are promoted can be viewed, purchased and enjoyed at anytime on your iPhone, iPad or iPod. As the art is shared by the artists they are shown to you.

You can do more then view. Rate them and provide a comment to the author at anytime. Make offers and even make purchases right from your iPhone.

Artists, to have your work listed with the apps your post must be promoted (best to promote it as soon as it is posted) and "Content Sharing" needs to be turned on (it is turned on by default) when you post or edit it.

Look for our apps in the app store. Search for "FanStory.com" to locate our apps.


2011: Smithville, MS Horror