Category: General Photography
Posted: November 25, 2011
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Xmas Pageant rained out

A chapter in the book Miscellaneous

Raining on our parade

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

I live in the driest State of Australia with an average rainfall of 236mm per year, why then oh why does it have to rain on the day of our local Christmas Pageant. Each year the city of Norwood the clubs and traders come together to put on a Xmas Pageant for the children attracting around 15,000 people to watch as the floats, clowns and marching bands pass down the main street finalising with the great man himself Father Christmas. We have lived in Norwood for five years and as a local attended each year - 4 out of five times it has rained!!!! Jake and hubby braved the elements standing out on the street with an umbrella whilst Amie, Zach (in his pram) and I took shelter under the nearest verandah. Yes I know you can't get good pictures from there but who wants to get the camera wet??
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | Resized and contrast adjusted
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Raining on our parade by Zilyram
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