Category: General Photography
Posted: February 21, 2012
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HMB Endeavour replica mess deck

A chapter in the book HMB Endeavour

The mess deck hammocks

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Down below the mess deck is set up as it would have been in Cook's day, even down to the ships cat sleeping on one of the bench seats. The tassel ropes at the end of the tables were not there for decoration but the cook tried to introduce some hygeine to the crew and have them wipe there hands before eating. In the buckets placed at the end of the tables was vinegar, this was used for washing their plates after eating. Captain Cook tried to ensure the crew did not suffer from scurvy and had noticed that German vessels were not prone to this complaint. He put it down to the fact that they ate Sourkraut so introduced it as part of the daily diet. To make sure they ate it when first introduced they believed it was for officers only so were only too pleased to partake when served up to them :) ISO3200 f3.5 1/20S 18MM Focal length
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The mess deck hammocks by Zilyram
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