Category: Nature Photography
Posted: April 26, 2012
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Rainbow Lorikeet in our gum tree

A chapter in the book Birds

Morning Alarm Clock

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

They start at around 5 to 5:30am just as the first light is coming up, you would think there are about 200 of these birds in the tree directly outside our bedroom window. Now that we are fully awake may as well make a cup of tea as they are going to be drinking the nectar from the flowers, fighting amongst themselves to get the best bloom and generally squawking until about 10am. Beautiful they are and on the move and vocal due to the traffic passing on the street and the pedestrians making their way to the cafe/restuarant next door which is opening for breakfast. A little bit of country in our urban existence, and nobody notices the birds until I come out on the front verandah with my camera.
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Morning Alarm Clock by Zilyram
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