Category: Graffiti Photography
Posted: November 19, 2012
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Aboriginal rock art - Grampians Victoria

A chapter in the book Road Trip Holidays

Very old grafitti

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Aboriginal occupation of the Grampians dates back well over 20,000 years and the area contains the majority of surviving Aboriginal rock art sites in south-east Australia, such as this aboriginal art shelter. Ngamadjidj Aboriginal Art Shelter is nestled into the hill and you can see the charcoal markings from the fires which were burnt to keep the aborigines warm and cook their food whilst taking shelter in the overhang. The view from here across the valley allowed them to see if any dangers was approaching and while there they did the artwork. There is a huge cage around the work now and this was taken through the bars so angle of view was very limited. This work is thousands of years old and one can only be in awe of the "grafitti" of that time.
Post Type: Photography
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Very old grafitti by Zilyram
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