Category: Nature Photography
Posted: November 24, 2014
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Sitting on the nest

A chapter in the book Birds

Australian Brush Turkey

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Turkey or Turkeys Contest Entry 
The Australian Brush Turkey is a common, widespread species of mound-building bird. It is a spectacular large bird with black feathers and a red head. Its total length is about 60?75 cm (23?30 in) and a wingspan of about 85 cm (33 in). They build large nests on the ground made of leaves, other combustible material and earth, 1 to 1.5 metres high (3-4.5 ft) and up to 4 m (13 ft) across. The eggs are hatched by the heat of the composting mound which is tended only by the males who regulate the temperature by adding or removing material in an effort to maintain the temperature of the mound in the 33?35°C (91-95°F) incubation temperature range. (Information from Wikipedia)
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Australian Brush Turkey by Zilyram
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