Category: Landscape Photography
Posted: November 11, 2011
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Measuring 32m high and range of 22 nautical miles

A chapter in the book South Australia

Troubridge Hill Lighthouse

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

The area is known for the treacherous Troubridge Shoal and nearby Marion Reef which by 1911 had claimed nineteen ships. One being the Clan Ranald shipwreck in January 1909 which had only 24 survivors out of 64 crew. The Troubridge Hill Lighthouse was built in 1980 to replace the Troubridge Shoal Lighthouse as the major coastal light in the area. The lighthouse is built from special wedge shaped clay bricks that were fired especially for this lighthouse. The lantern room is fabricated from fibreglass. One of only a handful of brick lighthouses in Australia, the lighthouse is unique as the bricks have never been rendered or painted, making it a distinctive day mark. The tower is designed to resist earthquakes and high winds. Both Troubridge Hill and Corny Point suffered from several earthquakes in the early 20th century.
Post Type: Photography
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Troubridge Hill Lighthouse by Zilyram
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