Category: General Photography
Posted: April 10, 2012
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Parkside Lunatic Asylum

A chapter in the book South Australia

Ghosts of the past

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Went for a bike ride on Easter Monday, it was a rather overcast and dull day. On the ride we went past the grounds of what used to be Glenside (Parkside) Mental Institution which is currently being rebuilt. The old building has been taken over by the South Australian Film Corporation. The Parkside Lunatic Asylum opened in 1870 and became home for Adelaide's chronic mentally ill patients. More than a third of the patients would die in the asylum. The history is quite chilling and one can only be thankful that the methods for treating the mentally ill have improved over the years. The building is quite beautiful stonework and is only one of the many that were housed on the 130 acres. This one is now a National Trust Building and has been restored but you can't help but get a sense of grief and sorrow as you ride around the area. The rose garden, which has only just been planted, and the plaque in front commemorate the lives of patients housed in the hospital from 1870 to 2000.
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Ghosts of the past by Zilyram
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