Category: Seascape Photography
Posted: April 13, 2012
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Hindmarsh Island Bridge

A chapter in the book South Australia

Controversial bridge for SA

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Hindmarsh Island Bridge opened officially in March 2001 after years of legal controversy between the developers and the indigineous Ngarrindjeri tribes. In 1994, a group of Ngarrindjeri women Elders claimed the site was sacred to them for reasons that could not be revealed. This became known as "Secret Women's business". The bridge was to replace a cable ferry which had operated for many years but with the increase of tourism and the development of a marina on the island a quicker form of transport was required. After numerous court cases the judgement was to build the bridge as there was no evidence to substantiate the claims. The claims were however later vindicated and on 7 July 2010, the Government of South Australia endorsed the finding that "Secret Women's Business" was genuine in a ceremony at the foot of the bridge. Ngarrindjeri elders then led a symbolic walk across the bridge. Elders now believe it is acceptable for Ngarrindjeri people to use the bridge to access their land and waters but culturally and morally still reject the bridge.
Post Type: Photography
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Controversial bridge for SA by Zilyram
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