Category: Nature Photography
Posted: October 9, 2014
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Adelaide Zoo

A chapter in the book Zoo Photos

African Wild Dog

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

The Adelaide Zoo and Monarto Zoo have a number of these dogs which in their natural environment live in packs of 6 to 20. The African wild dog, also called the hunting dog, is a vanishing species in East Africa. Field studies have shown that the wild dog is a highly intelligent and social animal. Like most predators, it plays an important role in eliminating sick and weak animals, thereby helping maintain a natural balance and ultimately improving prey species. Their only known predators are humans which in Africa shoot and poison the dogs in order to protect the livestock. Now although there are protected areas the packs have been reduced to a point where they may no longer be viable and in some areas are close to extinction. The human race has a lot to answer for environmentally and unfortunately are very slow areas.
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | Cropped and ajusted tone curves
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African Wild Dog by Zilyram
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