Category: Journalism Photography
Posted: January 1, 2017

Inle Lake, Myanmar

two fishermen

by supergold Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Two Contest Entry 
taken on Ile Lake, Myanmar. Inle Lake in Myanmar is known for a traditional form of fishing practised by the Intha fishermen, the people of the lake. They have a unique way of catching fish in the shallow water. Intha fishermen catch fish by standing on one leg on the extreme end of the boat, at the same time wrapping the other leg around the oar. Alternatively,the leg is used for pushing the net;. These fishermen can?t use the usual fishing technique where they simply sit down or throw a net to catch fish. This is due to the number of reeds and water plants in the lake. If they sit, it is impossible to see where the fishes are. When they stand on one edge of the boat, they can have a better view of the waters. This also allows them to have the other hand free to collect the net while propelling the boat at the same time.
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | cropping

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two fishermen by supergold
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