Category: Nature Photography
Posted: January 8, 2017
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Adelaide Zoo in the walkthru aviary

A chapter in the book Zoo Photos

Tawny Frogmouth x 2

by Zilyram Interested in this? Contact The Artist

As I walked through the aviary for Australian Birds the tawny Frogmouth were sitting hidden in the tree. They are quite well camouflaged and I had to lighten the image somewhat so you can see the features. They are often mistaken for owls but they have very weak feet nothing like the strong talons on owls. The bulk of the Tawny Frogmouth's diet is made up of nocturnal insects, worms, slugs and snails. Small mammals, reptiles, frogs and birds are also eaten. Most food is obtained by pouncing to the ground from a tree or other elevated perch. Some prey items, such as moths, are caught in flight, which has led to many unfortunate instances of birds being hit by cars while chasing insects illuminated in the beam of the headlights.
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Tawny Frogmouth x 2 by Zilyram
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