Category: Nature Photography
Posted: February 12, 2017

it sprayed before coming to say hello.

A cute look

by shore1inspire. Interested in this? Contact The Artist

A when I was in the zoo I went for the other lens. as it was bigger I did not know how good it may be close up. as I have a few shots as it sprayed the fence just to come up to say hi or get the scent. as the others have the 2 fences but took this one close eliminating the other. as to me it looks like a cute smile from a big cat wanting affection. thank you for viewing and hope you enjoy his look. always. ron
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | taken with my t-5 canon as I did not think the 300mm would be like this.
iso 800
fs 7.1

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A cute look by shore1inspire.
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