Reviews from


A key to life

76 total reviews 
Comment from Delphyne

I am so happy you chose to convert this to black and white. It adds to the shot so much. The detail and sharpness of the shot is fresh and amazing. The lighting works well, and I loved the trees - they convey a sense of layering.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2007

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2007
    Thank you Delphyne for such a wonderful and encouraging review, I appreciate your time!
Comment from Aether

Another slice of a different life. It strikes me that we live in a different world from our forbearers. How is your digital adventure coming? The black and white effect is very nice.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2007

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2007
    I am pretty much 'limping' along for the time being but love the immediate view of how bad I keep messin' up! I figure sooner or later I will discover a 'glorious' accident--Thank you for this great review Aether, I certainly appreciate your time!!
Comment from DGPYShow

These old cabins sure do have charm, along with a rich history. I like the black and white and the angle to the house, your focus and details are sharp, I do feel this was cropped a little close, a little more of the surrounding may have given this more ambiance. I always appreciate a little bit of history, thanks so much for sharing this.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2007

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2007
    Thank you for your thoughts on composition, I certainly will keep that in mind! I greatly appreciate this review and your time!!
Comment from Shade

Nice shot Low. You know how much I like old crap like this..LOL. The subject is very interesting and I think the choice of B&W is a good one. Somehow the contrast seems off slightly. I don't know if you were fighting an exposure issue or what but this could be remedied in photoshop. The chinking between the logs on the front seem ultra -white while some of the detail in the roof is lost. What process did you use to convert this to B&W? Can't wait to see more from the new camera. Thanks for sharing!


 Comment Written 02-Jun-2007

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2007
    Ain't 'Old Crap' great!!? I am thrilled you made the time to review this as I am 'limping' along with this machine and software---What I did is extremely elementary---I messed with this so much I just decided to come to a stopping point. Pretty much what I did was, change to grayscale, the chinking was too bright, for me, in person it is too bright--- took it to color variations, took down the highlights, took down shadows/midtones, on and on and on, with not total satisfaction, used the burn tool and had a higher degree of f**k** up pic---I BEG for suggestions if/when you get time---I so appreciate this review. I know the sky looks blown also--was a very pale blue sky/no clouds about 6:30 AM---sun rise about 5:30 AM---Left out at 5:30 AM last Saturday so you know I was one fine lookin' specimen!! LOL!! Thank you again Shade, your thoughts/ knowledge/ and opinion are very important to me---
Comment from mfrdesigns

Beautiful Black and White Photograph. It looks in perfect shape for it's age. You have captured it's beauty very well. You have a great eye and talent.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2007

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2007
    Thank you so much mfrdesigns for such an encouraging review!
Comment from Sandy Poore

Wonderful balance of light and dark in this black and white photo. It is framed nicely by the trees. I love the contrast of the white and darkness of the building. Almost looks like a paintbrush was taken to it.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2007

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2007
    I greatly appreciate your review SALLY!
Comment from nituathaill

I wish I had half as many cool old buildings around my place as you do, Deb! Another wonderful structure...I'm assuming its been restored or at least protected? It looks to be in extremely good shape and reminds me a bit of the historic old mining camps or 'ghost towns' here in Montana. Compositionally, getting lower to the ground to take your shot would have made for a more interesting perspective, and perhaps shooting against the tree rather than through it would have given you better framing. You've got some thermonuclear sky going on...quite bright! I definitely know THAT problem well! ;-D Otherwise, great technicals and a brilliant subject! Thank you very much for showing me Colorado (which is one of the few states I've never been to...go figure!)

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2007

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2007
    Yep, I believe it is being restored. Brilliant suggestion of 'lower to the ground', simple, but brilliant, 'shows ta go ya' how creative I can be!! LOL!! Thank you for bringing this thought to the top of my warpedness! When I do shoot 'lower to the ground' I sure hope the hell I can git back up! Thank you so much Margo for this super review, I appreciate you and your time!
reply by nituathaill on 02-Jun-2007

    Lol!  I'm sure you're in a lot better shape than this fat girl!  You should see me trying to hoist my lard butt off of the ground after a low shot!  ;-D 

Comment from Countrygirl

Isn't it great to look back and see how simple life was.No great arcitecture just the basic living needs.The black and white works well helping to tame the bright sky and adding to the feel of the era.Your composition is good letting the bare trees frame the cabin nicely.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2007

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2007
    LOL!! Yep, great to look back but I can't hang there looking back too long as I git to thinkin', 'Now why do I think I need a bigger home than this to clean!!' Thank you for this terrific review CG, I very much appreciate your time!!
Comment from StRyCh9

Its amazing that a cabin this old still stands in the condition that it is. I like your angle on this. The tonal range and balance are great. Well done on this excellent presentation.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2007

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2007
    I have a strong feeling this cabin is being restored but I do know it is from originality--sure wished I could have captured a before and after!! Thank you for this great review StRyCh9, I very much appreciate your time!!
Comment from Carolisa

I think it was a great idea to make this a black and white photo - evokes a real feeling of the old times - your notes is so important as well because it gives us a story behind and that is so appreciated - I think you have taken a great photo, thanks for sharing with me..

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2007

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2007
    Thank you Carolisa for your thoughts/opinion as they are certainly important to me! I greatly appreciate this review!