Reviews from

Funnie Flowers cartoons

Viewing comments for Page 5 "Hey Nice Shot!"
flower humor

18 total reviews 
Comment from rogere3852

Hello MK

Good to see you today and I love your friends. Nice balanced story image. I like the sky and the trees and of course the smiling green beans. Your drawings are just beautiful. Everything is perfect and the story elements are nicely presented.

I have seen several and I always long for the next one. For me these are really fun and I do thank you for sharing with me.



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 Comment Written 23-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Alveria

Great story MK. You are right, if it was you with the black eye and the story, everyone would probably laugh. No one thinks of a man getting hit by a woman and it is rare, but it happens. I have gotten hit by my grand babies accidentally, it happens. Great and colorful illustration with wonderful facial expressions. Send it to the in-laws. :) ~Alveria

 Comment Written 23-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from jesuel

thats really funny the color composition is great the design is very creative and funny once again you have done it great job here

 Comment Written 22-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Barb Baker

This is hilarious!! I love the looks on the sunflowers faces~!! You have captured a moment that parents from our generation? have done with our babies at on time or another. Taking a walk with our newborn in his/her baby carriage. And yes I remember the glass baby bottles. I have a twin sister and when we were babies we clashed our two glass bottles together and had glass everywhere including in our mouths!! We were a bloody mess when the 'babysitter' found us.
Anyway you do wonders with your markers and your imagination is limitless. Keep on keep'in on!
Barb Baker

 Comment Written 22-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from bcgrafiks

Great work, as usual...Beautiful setting...Hilarious story which of course adds to the Hilarity of the piece!!! Thanks!!!

 Comment Written 22-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from GaliaG

funny story, but I am sorry your wife was hurt

excellent paint based on this story

good technqiue, colors and composition

thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 22-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

:):):) In my case I was hit by a powerful jet from my son's you-know-what!:) Interesting illustration. Well made. Humourous. The light, colour and the composition have worked well. Good effort!.

 Comment Written 22-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from momentsofjoy7351

ker THUNK... SPLAT... OUCH... Lol, you covered those for me. I have a story about my daughter and her grandmother but for another time, too gross... LOL Fantastic imagery with your always great attention to detail. Love the fact that the flower pushing the stroller and the one next to her are just chit-chatting and have no idea what is happening. Oblivious - real life stuff there. LOL Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 22-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Lol.. thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Cyd-1940's

Lol!! I think a lot of people have been in that situation. I like the flower theme stories you have going on your very talented the details are so amazing. I like the story being told here the colors you chose are very good and I like the happy feel of the picture it makes you smile and laugh. This is very good and thank you for sharing!! Have a blessed day..God Bless..1940's

 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
reply by Cyd-1940's on 04-Jun-2015
    Your welcome
Comment from Cfuhchs1

Ha ha ha I like your story although not convinced LOL
This is really funny, I am sure my boys will like this as it shows someone being hit, boysBoys and boysð???they like doing it at times. Look at the white flowers, they enjoy what they see...,really enjoyable here.

 Comment Written 21-May-2015

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review