Reviews from

Moon lit bridge to darkness

A bridge bathed in moonlight

3 total reviews 
Comment from nature rules

This is excellent job of using the leading lines with the shadows and light to make your viewer feel as if they could walk across this bridge.

I am impressed with your use of the right side shadows of the railing to break up what could be normal and expected symmetry of a view of a bridge from this perspective.

The dark void at the end of the bridge does give it an ominous feel...and your imagination of eyes makes it get the adrenaline flowing if trying to brave the walk across it in the dark!

Excellent entry!!! Good luck!

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 09-Sep-2016
    Thanks much for such a great review again. Maybe I should have added two glowing eyes at the end of the bridge. But then again if I did that I would not have slept too well at night.

    Thanks again for your keen eye in "dissecting" this image. Just like one dissects a sentence I would guess! :)
reply by nature rules on 09-Sep-2016
    You are most welcome... Subject, linking verb, adverb and predicate adjective. Anal....
reply by the author on 09-Sep-2016
    Yeah, now I remember why I did not like that stuff 😣
reply by nature rules on 09-Sep-2016
Comment from Sean T Phelan

AWESOME.Allan! :)
The view over the dark and lonely looking moonlit bridge ( which makes me think of the mythical bridge that takes one to 'The Gates of Horn and Ivory' at the entrance to the Realm of Dreams ) is wonderfully mysterious and even rather sexy!
Anything could be over on the other side! Anything!
a totally Outstanding picture here,my friend!

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 09-Sep-2016
    Thanks much for the great review and for the super high rating. Glad you like the image!
reply by Sean T Phelan on 09-Sep-2016
    You're very welcome,Allan! I really like that,my friend! : )
Comment from Sange

Ha! I would have added owl or bat eyes in the dark there! Like your notes Allan! ;)
Nice capture of the moon's light and shadows it cast on the bridges railing.
Nice vanishing perspective leading us on the bridge into the darkness.
Great capture and I wish you Good Luck;)

 Comment Written 08-Sep-2016

reply by the author on 09-Sep-2016
    Thanks Sange for your great review. Glad you liked it. Eyes at the end of the bridge would not have made it safe for small children to view! :)