Six star book

All images of mine that made the grade to six
by eileen0204

Portrait of a Male Peacock

Blue Beauty

Posted January 8, 2013
Nature / Photography
119 views | 13 reviews

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another side of monarch

Monarch Sepia

Posted December 28, 2012
Nature / Photography
123 views | 5 reviews

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Duck doing what they do best, cleaning

Almost Time for Inspection

Posted December 2, 2012
Nature / Photography
152 views | 14 reviews

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An inquisitive Owl.

Who's there?

Posted November 24, 2012
Nature / Photography
130 views | 14 reviews

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aquatic turtles having a romp in the water

hey, hey we're the turtles

Posted November 24, 2012
Nature / Photography
113 views | 7 reviews

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White Peacock displaying his love

White Spendor

This image is featured by 3 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted November 20, 2012
Nature / Photography
139 views | 17 reviews

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shades of summer in a painting imagined


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Posted November 15, 2012
Expressive / Photography
169 views | 15 reviews

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Juggler at the Renaissance Festival

Moonie the Magnificent

Posted November 12, 2012
General / Photography
148 views | 11 reviews

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Curious Giraffe

Its Nice Up Here!

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Posted November 12, 2012
Nature / Photography
153 views | 8 reviews

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Flowering Offering

God's Gift

This image is featured by 4 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted October 23, 2012
Expressive / Photography
126 views | 9 reviews

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Shades of leaves in the sun


Posted October 17, 2012
Nature / Photography
118 views | 8 reviews

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Golden Orb Spiders

Dance Of The Spiders

This image is featured by 2 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted October 17, 2012
Nature / Photography
139 views | 15 reviews

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Two Black faced parrots sunning themselves

Birds On A Wire

Posted October 14, 2012
Nature / Photography
226 views | 18 reviews

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One of our pumpkins on display

Halloween Pumpkin

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Posted October 5, 2012
Seasonal / Photography
111 views | 6 reviews

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Palm Leaf with filter applied

The Color of Life

Posted October 2, 2012
Nature / Photography
154 views | 13 reviews

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Zebra at wildlife sanctuay in Arizona

All Dressed Up

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Posted September 23, 2012
Nature / Photography
161 views | 17 reviews

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Mother and baby Muskovy ducks

Like Mother, Like Daughter

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Posted September 16, 2012
Nature / Photography
125 views | 5 reviews

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Baby Iguana with some modifications

The Other Side of Nature

Posted September 10, 2012
Experimental / Photography
153 views | 6 reviews

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Great Horned Owl from Festival

Great Horned Owl

This image is featured by 2 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted September 6, 2012
Nature / Photography
117 views | 4 reviews

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Butterfly Plant

Stand Proud

Posted September 3, 2012
Nature / Photography
114 views | 3 reviews

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One of the jousters from the ren fest

Master jouster

Posted September 1, 2012
Fantasy / Photography
118 views | 6 reviews

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Close up of Moon from the SuperMoon

Blue Moon

This image is featured by 3 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted August 27, 2012
General / Photography
246 views | 17 reviews

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Weed and leaf resembling moon and stars

Terra Celestial

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Posted August 26, 2012
Nature / Photography
158 views | 15 reviews

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Flamingo Trying to sleep


Posted August 23, 2012
Nature / Photography
151 views | 17 reviews

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Red Butterfly Pentas

Opening Act

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Posted August 20, 2012
Nature / Photography
147 views | 17 reviews

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Huge spider eating dinner in my Gardenia bush.

Harry the Spider

Posted August 5, 2012
Nature / Photography
216 views | 24 reviews

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Flamingo Feathers

Ruffled Feathers

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Posted January 17, 2013
Abstract / Photography
116 views | 9 reviews

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flock of ibis with an intruder

In A Sea of Ibis

Posted January 21, 2013
Experimental / Photography
108 views | 5 reviews

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Stork preening

Stork Du Jour

Posted January 24, 2013
Experimental / Photography
109 views | 5 reviews

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Summer Plant used as a painting

Leaves in Oil

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Posted January 27, 2013
Experimental / Photography
152 views | 16 reviews

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Purple flowers swaying in the breeze

Flowers In Oil

Posted February 2, 2013
Nature / Photography
83 views | 9 reviews

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Great Egret takes wing

Fly Away Great

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Posted February 4, 2013
Nature / Photography
87 views | 8 reviews

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Juvenile Blue Heron

Little Blue, I Love You

Posted February 5, 2013
Nature / Photography
90 views | 9 reviews

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Red Macaw enjoying his day

Stick'em Up!

Posted December 10, 2012
Nature / Photography
116 views | 9 reviews

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Reddish Egret at local gardens

Reddish Egret

Posted March 3, 2013
Nature / Photography
105 views | 6 reviews

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Little Snowy Egret in full mating plumage

Heron on an Errand

Posted March 3, 2013
Nature / Photography
118 views | 21 reviews

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Male Peacock making a bee line for me

Head On Collision

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Posted March 7, 2013
Nature / Photography
110 views | 6 reviews

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Steampunk attire for themed weekend


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Posted March 9, 2013
Fantasy / Photography
148 views | 13 reviews

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a bloom from the cannon ball tree

cannon ball 2

Posted March 10, 2013
Nature / Photography
112 views | 9 reviews

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mom and baby giraffes

Gimme Shelter

This image is featured by 2 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted March 21, 2013
Family / Photography
134 views | 7 reviews

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Canoes lined up for the next pleasure seeker


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Posted March 25, 2013
Sports / Photography
98 views | 6 reviews

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Morning Glory ending it's day on God's Earth

End of Story, Morning Glory

Posted March 24, 2013
Nature / Photography
105 views | 8 reviews

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Glass maker doing what he does best

Master Glass Maker

Posted March 16, 2013
Fantasy / Photography
88 views | 5 reviews

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Dying and Browning palm frond existing best it can

The Right To Survive

Posted March 31, 2013
Nature / Photography
100 views | 5 reviews

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Lowland Gorilla taking a siesta

Plum Tuckered Out

This image is featured by 4 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted April 3, 2013
Nature / Photography
80 views | 5 reviews

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Emu on display at the zoo

EMU anyone?

This image is featured by 2 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted April 3, 2013
Nature / Photography
100 views | 6 reviews

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Great Kudo African Deer

Kudo You Run To

Posted April 2, 2013
Nature / Photography
114 views | 15 reviews

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Juvenile Ibis fishing

Juvenile Ibis

Posted April 6, 2013
Nature / Photography
108 views | 10 reviews

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Juvenile Black Crowned Heron

Juvenile Black Crowned Heron

Posted April 8, 2013
Nature / Photography
193 views | 33 reviews

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Juvenile Black Crowned Heron

A Bird In The Rain is Worth IT

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Posted April 10, 2013
Nature / Photography
133 views | 17 reviews

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Two young giraffes at the zoo

Above and Below

Posted April 14, 2013
Nature / Photography
137 views | 11 reviews

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Street Actor posing as a baby

Gabrille Q Street Actor

Posted April 15, 2013
Expressive / Photography
182 views | 10 reviews

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African Guinea Hen helping out the giraffes

Guinea Hen

Posted April 19, 2013
Nature / Photography
96 views | 8 reviews

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Betting does not mean winning

Cashmere Kitten

Posted April 22, 2013
Sports / Photography
100 views | 9 reviews

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African Deer speeding through the zoo

Stand Still Speed

This image is featured by 3 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted April 25, 2013
Nature / Photography
204 views | 45 reviews

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Two doves sitting side by side

Dove Amore

This image is featured by 2 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted April 28, 2013
Nature / Photography
82 views | 4 reviews

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Dragonfly Macro

Dragonfly Mesmerize

Posted May 4, 2013
Nature / Photography
152 views | 16 reviews

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Green Dragonfly on the Edge

Green Beauty

Posted May 5, 2013
Nature / Photography
154 views | 13 reviews

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Dragonfly close up

Up Front and Center

Posted May 5, 2013
Nature / Photography
104 views | 6 reviews

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Rarest of Herons the Least Bittern

Least Bittern

Posted May 12, 2013
Nature / Photography
102 views | 10 reviews

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Lone flower bud coming into its own

Pretty as a Picture

Posted May 2, 2013
Nature / Photography
136 views | 25 reviews

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Male Swan Alone and grieving

Swan Boy Portrait....for Sange

Posted May 13, 2013
Nature / Photography
108 views | 4 reviews

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Swan Boy taking a drink in the lake

Swan Lake

Posted May 14, 2013
Nature / Photography
149 views | 15 reviews

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Three juvenile Great Blue Herons ready for flight

Three For the Road

Posted May 19, 2013
Nature / Photography
151 views | 17 reviews

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A mated pair of white Egrets building a home

Honey I'm Home

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Posted May 20, 2013
Nature / Photography
243 views | 44 reviews

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White Egrets Planning their future

Love Me Tender

This image is featured by 2 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted May 21, 2013
Nature / Photography
154 views | 26 reviews

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Bee collection day

Pollen Aplenty!

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Posted May 28, 2013
Nature / Photography
103 views | 11 reviews

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Blue Darner Dragonfly

Upside Down View

Posted May 27, 2013
Nature / Photography
123 views | 14 reviews

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Great Blue Heron taking a bow

The Bow

Posted May 27, 2013
Nature / Photography
114 views | 18 reviews

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Black Necked Stilt

Graceful Diligence

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Posted May 28, 2013
Nature / Photography
94 views | 5 reviews

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Lizard of leisure

On The Fence

Posted June 3, 2013
Nature / Photography
171 views | 25 reviews

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Baby Green Heron hiding in the brush

God Bless This Mess

Posted June 1, 2013
Nature / Photography
101 views | 6 reviews

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Rolled leaf resembling the all seeing eye

One Who Has Seen The Eye

Posted June 7, 2013
Nature / Photography
144 views | 14 reviews

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moon cactus in a surreal setting

Multi Moon Cactus

Posted June 6, 2013
Experimental / Photography
123 views | 13 reviews

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Black Rhino endangered beast

Head Butt

Posted June 13, 2013
Nature / Photography
109 views | 22 reviews

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Iguana Eye shows he is watching closely

Eye Opening Experience

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Posted June 14, 2013
Expressive / Photography
100 views | 17 reviews

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Male Iguana cooling down in the sun

Tongue Twister

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Posted June 15, 2013
Nature / Photography
83 views | 15 reviews

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Green Longwing Butterfly

Green longwing Butterfly

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Posted June 16, 2013
Nature / Photography
71 views | 7 reviews

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Vertigo is experienced by many in the US

Vertigo Vision

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Posted June 17, 2013
Expressive / Photography
101 views | 15 reviews

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Bee digging in for a great meal

Bee Sized Meal

Posted June 19, 2013
Nature / Photography
78 views | 6 reviews

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Dragonfly all high and mighty

King of the Branch!

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Posted June 23, 2013
Nature / Photography
119 views | 9 reviews

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Florida Panther resting in the sunlight

Golden Slumber

Posted June 26, 2013
Nature / Photography
85 views | 11 reviews

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Rose heating up in the sun

Burning Love

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Posted June 27, 2013
Expressive / Photography
136 views | 17 reviews

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Sweet young lowland Gorilla napping

Beautiful Dreamer

Posted June 25, 2013
Nature / Photography
80 views | 9 reviews

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two giraffes drifting off

Dreaming of You

Posted June 25, 2013
Experimental / Photography
120 views | 21 reviews

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Pink Rose in Two Phases of Life

Soft and Sweet

Posted June 18, 2013
Nature / Photography
124 views | 17 reviews

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Contemplative Statue ponders the meaning of life

A Wish to Be Real

This image is featured by 11 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted July 2, 2013
Expressive / Photography
72 views | 6 reviews

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Juvenile Black Crowned Heron waiting out the rain

Singing In The rain

Posted July 3, 2013
Nature / Photography
181 views | 12 reviews

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A different way to look at nature

Nature Unfurled

Posted June 27, 2013
Nature / Photography
80 views | 12 reviews

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Sunflower buds coming to life in an unusual way

A Vision in Green

Posted July 4, 2013
Experimental / Photography
93 views | 14 reviews

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The bright pink desert rose is in bloom

Desert Rose

Posted July 4, 2013
Nature / Photography
73 views | 8 reviews

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Great Egret nest with two chicks

Shhhh... Mom's not looking!

Posted July 6, 2013
Nature / Photography
73 views | 8 reviews

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Tri Colored Heron Juvenile on the look out

Tri Colored Heron Profile

Posted July 7, 2013
Nature / Photography
80 views | 13 reviews

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Swan Boy in a reserved moment

Swan Shy

Posted July 9, 2013
Nature / Photography
99 views | 18 reviews

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Grackle grabbing some grub

Shake, Rattle and Roll!

Posted July 14, 2013
Nature / Photography
70 views | 5 reviews

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Juvenile Grackle chowing down

Dig In!

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Posted July 14, 2013
Nature / Photography
106 views | 18 reviews

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Flamingo playing in the water

All Legs...and Neck!

Posted July 17, 2013
Nature / Photography
74 views | 7 reviews

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Two White Pelicans looking for trouble

Double Trouble

Posted July 15, 2013
Nature / Photography
65 views | 8 reviews

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Injured Owl being rehabilitated

Caged Innocence

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Posted July 18, 2013
Nature / Photography
92 views | 16 reviews

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mom and baby white egrets

Table for Two

Posted July 22, 2013
Nature / Photography
111 views | 24 reviews

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Hanging out at Flamingo Gardens

Glossy Back Ibis Portrait

Posted August 5, 2013
Nature / Photography
93 views | 4 reviews

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Bee collection pollen fro Sunflower

This Side of the Sun

Posted August 4, 2013
Nature / Photography
154 views | 23 reviews

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Waiting for the noon feeding

Night Crowned Heron

Posted July 30, 2013
Nature / Photography
89 views | 12 reviews

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female peacock eye

Cock Eyed

Posted August 9, 2013
Nature / Photography
80 views | 5 reviews

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God Giving Nector that lets the species thrive

Finding Your Sweet Spot

Posted August 4, 2013
Nature / Photography
80 views | 7 reviews

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blades of grass shimmering in the sunlight

A Lesson In Shadow

This image is featured by 3 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted August 3, 2013
Experimental / Photography
75 views | 7 reviews

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Bambi waiting for his treat

Someone Say Cookie?

Posted August 3, 2013
Pets / Photography
70 views | 10 reviews

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Orb Spider building web after the rains


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Posted July 29, 2013
Nature / Photography
62 views | 7 reviews

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The water of life

Drop of LIfe

This image is featured in a post at FanStory. Read it.
Posted July 28, 2013
Nature / Photography
92 views | 16 reviews

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Antelope grazing and gazing

In My Sights 2

Posted July 21, 2013
Expressive / Photography
100 views | 15 reviews

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Mute Swan end of the day

On Dark Waters

Posted August 15, 2013
Nature / Photography
122 views | 17 reviews

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Green Iguana before take off

Sitting On The Dock of The Bay

This image is featured by 2 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted August 21, 2013
Nature / Photography
78 views | 8 reviews

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Palm Frond with a twist

A Musing in Green

Posted September 4, 2013
Expressive / Photography
110 views | 16 reviews

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Lorikeet head shot

Leaning Tower of Lorikeet

Posted June 16, 2014
Nature / Photography
39 views | 8 reviews

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Yellow rose from my sisters garden

Yellow Rose

This image is featured by 3 FanStory authors. Read them.
Posted June 15, 2014
Expressive / Photography
46 views | 7 reviews

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Male Orangutan big stepping

Big Foot Lives

Posted June 10, 2014
Nature / Photography
38 views | 6 reviews

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