The Nude

The Topic: The human form.
Not everything must be revealed, the implication of nudity can be as beautiful as what it implies. This is a contest to see who can best depict the human form in its most beautiful, most sensual form. I highly encourage creative approaches; the topic is fairly obvious and deviations from this prompt will be considered when voters make their choice.

This is a contest for Traditional Artists. The medium doesn't matter but you must start with a blank canvas. No photographs or photo-manipulations are to be presented on screen. Pen & Ink, Paint, Pencil, Charcoal, Graphite, Oils, Pastels, Crayons... any and all of these mediums are completely acceptable. You are allowed to edit the photographs of your traditional work for the purposes of presentation only if the integrity of the original work is still present.

Please take your time with your entrees. This is to be a premiere contest for the elite artists who are willing to give forth their absolute best effort. Give good representations of your work; you are encouraged to provide good quality photographs and scans of your work. And you will be judged not just on your ability to depict the human form, but to do so in an artistic manner. This art contest is for all forms of art. That includes pen and ink, pencil, watercolors, charcoal, sculpture, computer art and all other forms of art. No photography.

Deadline: Contest is closed. Deadline was Sunday, February 12, 2012.

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