Category: Architecture Photography
Posted: November 15, 2008

Detail of the Temple of the Masks, Kohunlich, Mx

The Staircase of Kohunlich

by cleo85 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

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I was ask to show more of the Staircase of the temple of the masks. Here is an other detail what shows the dimensions better.

The ruins of Kohunlich, discovered in 1967 by a local Maya, are real gems. Completely surrounded by the lush foliage of the tropical jungle these time worn ruins have a mystical quality that is enhanced by a lack of tourists, who seldom venture this far south. For that reason they are frequented by all manner of tropical wildlife and exotic birds.
On any given day, it's not unusual to find yourself alone to wander the maze of paths that lead to the different plazas.
Kohunlich is famous for it?s Pyramid of the Masks, on of the oldest structures [about fifth century]. The building has a giant staircase flanked by six different heads modeled in stucco each over 8 feet tall. There is no known identification but different theories. Some say the heads are representing Gods others that the are forgotten rulers of Kohunlich.
This Picture is for ZenTrip

Camera Konica-Minolta Z2
Focal length 9mm
F2 F/3.2
Exposure 1/60
ISO 50
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | Traditional Photography, no Mixed Media
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The Staircase of Kohunlich by cleo85
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