Category: Seasonal Photography
Posted: November 5, 2010

A Halloween night_ for Contest

Park Your Broom Club

by helvi2 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Halloween Photography Contest Entry 
This Halloween Mixed Media consists of at least 12 pictures and art work as well. The most extensive work I have ever done with mixed media.

The shack had no windows or doors. I used picture frames for the windows and cut out a piece of the shack to make the door.

Here's a list of some of the pictures

#1 The Halloween pumpkin ( in the left window) was a carved pumpkin not cut that someone with great skill did, using the stem for the nose. There is another carved pumpkin face in the chicken cage under the attack sign.

#2 The windows were picture frames

#3 The witches hat with spider was found on a rack with other hats in a store

#4 The Attack chicken sign really exists I saw it in an actual chicken pen

#5 The Rooster was on show at an ice cream stand. He was not where I saw the attack sign

# 6 The empty Shack was at The Longfellow's Inn Grist Mill

#7 The Ghost was hanging out at Garden Store as a Halloween decoration

#8 The Witch's head was at the same location on a ghost's body and so were her hands.

#9 Since I included a witch I had to take a shot of a broom

#10 The cat on the roof is a wooden cat that my friend had cut out by her grandfather

# 11 The chicken cage with the attack sign

# 12 The "Keep Out" sign is real"! I left it just where it was in the original picture of the shack

I drew the moon, bats and the witch riding the broom. There are lots of special effects and the whole thing created a life of its own with many changes. Because the upper background was so cluttered, I blurred it thus allowing one to see the bats clearer and make the shack stand out. That's just a little of what I did to create this.

I hope you enjoy my "Park Your Broom Club."

Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Maximum | Added at leat twelve pictures, drew witch onbroom,moom,bats. Added lots og glow and speciall effects.
Added windows and door to shack. Lots and lots of differeant things

Pays one point and 2 member cents.
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Park Your Broom Club by helvi2
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