Category: Family Photography
Posted: September 21, 2011

Boy under a rainbow

Basketball after the rain

by lynnkah Interested in this? Contact The Artist

This was inspired by the work of another artist who I think his talent is unbelievable{ donkeyoatey} I made the rainbow extremely bright on purpose and the bird, its a series that I did of my daughter , my grand daughter, and this, my grandson. I did this piece quite some time back but just decided to post it. Wish I had your talent on mixed media donkeyoatey but then you are one of a kind artist.
I hope this doesn't get me into trouble, not sure if this was against the rules using another artist ideas, if so okay please pass this by and don't rate it. This was just a fun piece because i admired the style of another artist.
Don't mean to offend anyone
Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Maximum | Cut and paste, photexplosion vr 4,clipart, photoexplsion
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Basketball after the rain by lynnkah
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