Category: Expressive Photography
Posted: May 19, 2012

Snake around the neck

Facing my strongest Fear

by avmurray Interested in this? Contact The Artist

This is a photo of my daughter with a snake. I am really afraid of snakes, and just taking this photo was quite horrible. Still I took quite a few, even some close ups when then tongue was coming out. I have never in my life been so close to a snake before, but as you probably understand my daughter is a lot braver than me. LOL Actually thought I was quite brave just taking the photo. It was pretty dark and I had to use a flash. I could not care less about settings either, but at least I managed to keep the camera reasonably steady. I thought the photo looked good in BW, but I can tell you that the snake was almost white with a yellow pattern. I have no idea what kind of snake this is. I have been in Spain for a week, and this was part of a show where the audience were invited to hold the snake.
Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Some | Cropped - sharpened - changed background - converted to BW

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Facing my strongest Fear by avmurray
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