Category: Fantasy Digital Art
Posted: December 16, 2012

Werewolf Moon-Read Story in Notes

Lycan Moon

by helvi2 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

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It is the time of the Full moon and a young woman trembles in the doorway of her home, from the stories told by the villagers. There have been tales of a werewolf that's been plaguing the country side. It's only because of her mother that she can breath a little easier, giving her hope, in the form of a simple seed.

She has done well planting her beautiful flowers. They are in full bloom now and their scent fills the air. She has surrounded herself with wolfbane. It is said, to a werewolf the odor they emit, overwhelmingly repels them.

As she stands in the doorway she envisions herself transforming into this vile creature. If the werewolf comes she would rather die than survive, for those that do become the creature they so fear and this is the night of the Wolf Moon. She can feel the wolf's spirit in the night air. What she envisions there, is what the wolf spirit hopes for and what she fears.

The young woman doesn't know how much wolfbane is needed to protect her. The meadow surrounding her and the house are full of blooms, but is it enough? This she does not know! Her forlorn face shows the incredible angst she is undergoing. She prays the night will end, for in the distance she hears the howl of a wolf.

Even a man who is pure in heart
and says his prayers by night
may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms
and the autumn moon is bright.

It could be this very poem from the old Wolf Man movie (1941) gives hope of protection for the innocent victims if they realize its power.* The flower in this image is monkshood, it is one of several flowers that bear the name of wolfbane. Some are exceedingly poisonous.

To create the wolf-woman I smeared the woman's face and hair and added fangs to transform her. I also had to paint in hands because the image given by Echo7 did not have any. I also exchanged her legs for the wolves and split the image horizontally so I could bend it and give her back a hunchback look. I wanted her to be staring right at you and added orange to her eyes to make them MORE penetrating.

Hope you enjoy the image and story!

Post Type: Digital Art Digital Composition | | Digital Creation | Four Imgages of Stock photography Supplied by Echo7 for Contest _ plus 2 chosen by me and 2 of my own, painting,dodge and burn, glowing edges, transparencies, smear brush, bumps and craters filter

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Lycan Moon by helvi2
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