Category: Seasonal Photography
Posted: January 6, 2013

Seasonal Humor -Christmas

Hang on Santa!

by helvi2 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Mixed Media Photograph of the Month Contest Entry 
Poor Santa! A stubborn reindeer flew up to the roof and won't come down. Santa tried everything he could think of to get him to come down, but had no luck. Since it was Christmas Eve Santa had no choice but to get a ladder and climb up with a carrot hopiing to entice the reindeer down. This would not be easy in the middle of a snowstorm. No sooner than Santa stepped on the the roof he slipped and was left dangling from the roof's edge. THe ladder is in reach,but can he grab it before he loses his grip? Will the elves hear his cry for help? Will the reindeer fly down and let Santa climb on his back? .............We do know Santa arrived this Christmas so he was rescued somehow? What's your story?

This image was created from 5 images... a hanging santa decoration, a reindeer, several trees, two fawns and a gingerbread house. I painted in a ladder and added glow ro the windows. THe snow falling is rough film grain. THe snow on the ground was created from a note paper filter. THe background was changed and I embossed the whole picture to add dimension.

I hope you enjoy!
THank you SO much for stopping by!
:o) Helvi
Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Maximum | Embossing, film grain, Santa form, reindeer, gingerbread house, painted ladder, added light to windows, fawns, several trees, note paper snow

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Hang on Santa! by helvi2
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