Category: Expressive Photography
Posted: January 27, 2013

Raccoon sitting by a tree

The Lonely Raccoon

by eileen0204 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

First of all, I dedicate this piece to the Raccoon who was living in my attic for over a month. She kept very quite, only heard her coming and going in the evening and early morning. She had babies which were either killed by a male or she moved them and lost them, only the good Lord knows how. How I felt for her coming and going, knowing the babies were gone. But she was persistent and kept coming back as if they would miracoulesy show back up. She escaped the traps set (humane only, I won't have anything killed becuase of me) time and time again. She finally was captured where she will live out her life elsewhere and not damage any more homes. I would like to think she is at peace as we are knowing nothing else lives in our abode except our cats, dog and birds. My family is happy and healthy. But I still mourn my Lonely Raccoon and miss her. I hope she is happy. And yes, I know how this photo appears, but I like it. Say what you must but be kind :) I can take it, but I won't change it. This is my sorrowful rendition of a lonely raccoon I miss and love. Nikon D7000
Post Type: Mixed Media Photography
Mixed Media: Maximum | Major modifications such as appling oil fiter in photoshop to the max.
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The Lonely Raccoon by eileen0204
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