Category: General Photography
Posted: January 13, 2016

Here I am to Save the Day........


by ChuckWaxman Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Took a drive to Stepping Stone Park in Great Neck, NY this past summer, which is near the Merchant Marine Academy on the north shore, to see what I could sea (pun intended. ;-). The flowers were in bloom, the gulls were flying and the boats were at anchor - but nothing really tugged at me. Then I saw it. At first I couldn't believe it. There on the dock was a, a, a Tardis - no it was a real Phone Booth. Was either expecting Dr. Who or Superman to show up shouting "hear I am to save the day" .....oh sorry, that was Mighty Mouse! This iconic piece of Americana just called to me. While it may not be the classiest shot I've ever taken, finding a real phone booth just knocked my socks off. Don't know if it worked since I didn't have any quarters with me. For those of you too young to remember these, the most important thing to know is that when all other communication went down, these copper wired instruments kept working. Enjoy it with all its imperfections and remember the good old days.
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: Minor | Cropped and re-sized; slight cloning to remove pole and burn out on frame; minor shading adjustments.

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Tardis? by ChuckWaxman
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