Category: Journalism Photography
Posted: March 24, 2016

General Photography

Too Many Cooks.....:

by seshadri_sreenivasan Interested in this? Contact The Artist

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Today, 24th March happens to be a festival day in India called 'Holi' festival! This is celebrated with all fervour and gaeity especially in North India.
Holi is an ancient Hindu religious festival which has become popular with non-Hindus in many parts of South Asia, as well as people of other communities outside Asia.
It is primarily observed in India, Nepal, and other regions of the world with significant populations of Hindus or people of Indian origin and Nepalese diaspora. In recent years the festival has spread to parts of Europe and North America as a spring celebration of love, frolic, and colours.
Holi is celebrated at the approach of the vernal equinox, on Full Moon day. The festival date varies every year, per the Hindu calendar, and typically comes in March, sometimes February in the Gregorian Calendar. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, end of winter, and for many a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships, and is also celebrated as a thanksgiving for a good harvest.
People visit family, friends and foes to throw colour powders on each other, laugh and gossip, then share Holi delicacies, food and drinks. Some drinks are intoxicating. For example, bhang, an intoxicating ingredient made from cannabis leaves, is mixed into drinks and sweets and consumed by many.[13][14] In the evening, after sobering up, people dress up and visit friends and family.[1][15]
In the community apartment complex I live there was lots of celebrations. Beer flowed freely (and free!) and we had arranged some expert cooks to churn out some of the very popular outdoor 'Street Foods'. Men, women and children and many western folks!

I took this shot at the food counter manned by the cooks in crisp dresses and churning out spicy food to match every pallete!
Camera: Canon SX130IS, handheld. No adjustment . Image 4000x3000 resized to FAr requirements.

PS: No. These cooks did't spoil the broth!:):):)
Post Type: Photography
Mixed Media: None | General Photography!

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Too Many Cooks.....: by seshadri_sreenivasan
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