Category: Fantasy Digital Art
Posted: April 16, 2023

My goto AI guy!

Robby Robot

by eileen0204 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

This guy is the guy I created using enhanced Digital creation AI artwork. I call him Robby and he creates for me what I need or want. This was put through photoshop and Topaz to enhance him a bit. For those of you truly interested, I created this image in a program called Blue Willow, akin to the very popular Mid Journey program that truly creates some beautiful images. You just need your mind to be able to adjust and accept what is going on in the works of art today. Can this replace traditional art and photography? NO, it cannot. Although the images look great in some instances, (it takes a lot to get an image the way you want), this could never take over actual people getting down and dirty for the love of their craft. Although Google has taken over libraries for looking up things, and kindle has taken over books for reading, (the libraries and books are still available), I truly believe this is just another tool that will come into our lives, during our lifetime, so I am reaching out to it and learning what I can. Isn't that why we are on this Earth? to learn as much as we can before we leave and take with us what we learn? It is for me.
Post Type: Digital Art | AI or Fractal | Digital AI image using Blue Willow program
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Robby Robot by eileen0204
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