Category: Fantasy Digital Art
Posted: May 23, 2024

AI experiment

Wolf in the Clouds

by Lynnmarie2 Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Digital Artwork of the Month Contest Winner 
I have been REALLY busy with my Graphic Design work and havn't been on the site much. I was playing around with AI for a project I was working on and thought these were pretty cool images. I rarely post straight AI cause I love reworking them. I plan to with these ones but thought, why not post it. This was the prompt I used for both. LOL.. not sure how AI gets two totally different images but it was a fun experiment. wolf, leopard, fantasy, detailed, lifelike, realistic, out of the box thinking, abstract, landscape, steampunk, nature, weird, fairytale, cloudy skies, rain, lightening, blended animals in one
Post Type: Digital Art | AI or Fractal | Used AI

Digital Artwork of the Month
Contest Winner
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Wolf in the Clouds by Lynnmarie2
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