Love Dance

Glossy Print

Price:  Open. Make an Offer

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 Should there be a perfect description for the relationship between a loving relationship and their impacts on their immediate and remote surroundings, I'd say, it's the Love Dance.

I drew this beautiful piece to show how the love in our hearts influence the love in our steps and consequently create the rhythm of love that fills our environment.

We can't give what we don't have and the vibrations around us are as a result of the love we create in our dance steps with one another.

Drawn with simply line art and shades, the figures are symmetrically aligned to create a consistent flow of thoughts and endearing feeling of satisfaction from each stroke on the piece.

I've drawn this lovely piece with my pencils on paper, and would like you to have it on your wall, either as a print or the original piece, a beautiful reminder that we all can create the world of our dreams and spread love throughout the world with our love dances, as we love and cherish one another. is operating as a venue and is not responsible for the delivery of goods involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. As a result, we have no control over the quality, safety or legality of the items advertised, the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of sellers to sell items or the ability of buyers to pay for items. You have read, and agree, with the terms in the agreement including section 12.