Reviews from

Jesus Christ


30 total reviews 
Comment from Vid Vidya

Very Good work. Excellent art with nice color tones. It looks too good than the traditional art. Well composed. Good work. All the best

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
    Thank you Vid for such a kind review. I have to admit if it weren't for filters in digital art there is no way I could have achieved this. The program I use is mainly brushes like tradition, however with the hood I used a filter called fabric after I got the coloring and shading the ay I wanted it. The filter added the fabric look. Thank you again for such a kind review
Comment from click3333

Great job capturing the actor. I really like the fringe and hood on the man and his eyes are very piercing. very nice. thank you for sharing your work.

 Comment Written 21-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 21-Apr-2013
    Thank you click for the six rating and such a kind review. The fringe took a while to get the look I wanted, but I have to confess the fabric appearance is from a filter on twisted brush. Once I got the shading and coloring the way I wanted and the fringe, I used a filter called fabric and it added the texture appearance. There is no way I could have achieved that with traditional art, that's why I have become hooked on digital art, there is so many things you can do that couldn't be achieved in other works.
    Thank you again
Comment from TerraKacher

Nice rendition. I like the soft tones. The brown eyes work for me. I know you did this from the movie. I didn't like the how they portrayed him in the movie. Jesus was under a Nazarite vow, that would mean he didn't shave or cut his hair. Unlike most symbols that show him neatly clipped.
Back you your picture. I still like how you did this and regarding the art itself gave you 5 stars. Good job.

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2013
    Thank you Terra. And you are right with the idea that he wouldn't have been well groomed. My husband made mention of that to me while I was painting this because at first I had him as the actor was, neat shaved beard. I tried to make it rougher and add more lines to his face, but I'm still learning how to paint people, Thank you so much for your input and your kind review
Comment from Life is but a dream.

Hi Diane and thank you for this gentle upload of a kindly face of Jesus.

What is particularly good about your upload is the handling of the eyes for there is a connection between subject and viewer, a communication.

The composition is interesting for although some may tell you that a more balanced format with negative space all around would balance it I find this side placement pleasant in that it gives us a feel of He's looking in on us - always and for eternity!

I would have liked to see more wrinkles (put I'm partial to wrinkles) as I feel that would have given him more character but then you opted for a more glow feel and that translates as "spiritual glow".

Your handling of hair both on face and head is well done, it shows details which makes it very realistic an the shawl around his head is textured and well patterned and looks like you put a lot of work into it.

AND....look at that background...soft purple and you knew that purple is the universally accepted colour of spirit - wow, you hit the nail on the head with this upload.

I am happy to see your work posted once again and I welcome you "home".

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2013
    Thank you my friend for such a detail review. I attempted to add more wrinkles around the face but since I am just learning how to paint people seemed like I just couldn't get it the way I wanted to, but I love your interpretation of the smoothness of the skin, really made it work
    Thank you again
Comment from BirdsEyeView

very nice detail, clarity. the color and defintion is well toned and shadowed. peaceful, and pentetrating. loving and graceful view. nice composition. BEV

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2013
    Thank you Bev for such a kind review and nice words both are deeply appreciated
Comment from donkeyoatey

Tis nice to see one more! i think your work on faces is well done, it has a nice pose, and I also like the brown eyes better than blue! I think the face is a wee bit soft, I might add a few wrinkles around the nose..laugh lines..I REALLY believe he must have laughed a lot! Donkeyoatey

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2013
    You and I see Jesus as the same. I never have thought that he was always this solemn character that all paintings have him as. I have a movie based on the new testament according to JOhn and it is word for word of the gospel but with actors playing the part. The Jesus that they portray in that film is always laughing and playing around with his disciples even as he is giving his sermon on the mound he is smiling at the children. If he has as much love for us as is stated then he had to laugh and smile a lot. I also think he had a good sense of humor. I tried to put more lines on the face but just couldn't get the technique yet, doesn't mean I won';t stop trying.
    Thanked again my friend
Comment from potodream

Well sister, You are very talented. This is a beautiful painting. It almost has an air brushed look to the face. The texture in the material is so realistic as well as the hair around his face. His eyes see into my soul with wisdom and grace. I almost feel I've met my maker face to face.

 Comment Written 13-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2013
    WOW! I am normally far from speechless but your compliment to this painting has left me that way. Words can never tell you how much I appreciate your generosity in your words
Comment from Jean A Cormier

You fabric work is just superb, right down to the frayed edges. I also agree, Christ had dark eyes based on the complextion of that race in that area of the world. I think our beard rendering is believable and you have made significant progress in the portrait arena! Jean

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2013
    Thank you Jean for such a wonderfulcomplment. I still have such a long way to go. I attempted to add age lines but just couldn't get that technique down, but I'm still trying
    Thank you again
Comment from LorrainePurviance

this is a good job, the subject is very hard given the preconceptions people may have, I think you might think of some shadow and light to bring the shape of the face and focus on the main features, the clothes will likely have some shadow...

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2013
    Thank you Lorraine. I attempted to add more lines to the face but just can't get that technique , the more I added the worse it looked, but I'm still trying.
    Than k you again Lorraine for the kind words
Comment from chickadee

Well if I were to imagine what Jesus looks like would be this. A stunning and beautiful work of digital art with all the details and the look on the face seems somewhat sad Diane! The colors , skin tones, all excellent! Your work is always most impressive!

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2013

reply by the author on 24-Feb-2013
    Thank you so much chickadee. I noticed this picture of scenes in the movie and I have no idea why this particular expression reached out to me but part of the reason I chose this one was the sadness that the actor portrayed. I do believe that Christ laughed more than we give him credit for in most paintings but his sadness had to come from the way he saw how mankind treated each other
    Thanks again for such a wonderful review and I do apologize for my late response but I deeply appreciate your review
reply by chickadee on 27-Feb-2013
    Your welcome Diane. I agree 100% on your words. Funny how you saying about the sad expression. You clearly have to look at the hatred on this site alone to know how much hatred and envy people spill out!
reply by the author on 28-Feb-2013
    amen sister LOLOLO
reply by chickadee on 02-Mar-2013
    Glad we are on the same page! l.o.l.