Reviews from

Gimme Some Attitude!

Funnie Flowers cartoon

27 total reviews 
Comment from Lmsmith

Awesome! Love the attitude and the story line. Your funnies always make me smile. I have missed them not being on here in a while. You continue to amaze me with you talents. Great job and thanks for sharing. Hope CSSimmons approved.

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Barb Baker

I am so sorry that I only have 5's left to give, I will give you a cyber 6 instead!
You never crease to amaze me at what you can do with a sharpie!!
This one I LOVE in particular because from the minute I saw it I began laughing...and boy did I need a laugh today!
I love all of the daisies cheering on the yellow flower. And especially the one facing us and waving to us. How creative and funny!! Love the black background. It just makes the other colors pop.
Thanks you so much for putting some needed laughter in my day!!
Barb Baker

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Angelheart The First

Hi Mark,
I like anything that instantly brings a smile to my face(the frown lines are taking their toll).So,I love this and the yellow flower is adorable.This is such a positive picture and I love the colors.It would be great if we could see what your reference was in the making of this.That's the only thing missing.
Great job~

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Life is but a dream.


I wouldn't mind seeing more of these kind of reviews, but heck that is just me. I do know csimoons's work and remember her flower presentations. Love the thumbs up and that yellow flower hiding her that overexposure LOL?


 Comment Written 30-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    Yeah I have another to do..ur right I think I got something started..wink. thanks for the awesome review olga
Comment from Susan F. M. T.

Another picture to bring a smile to my face on this cool summer's evening the yellow Rose appears to be singing her heart out her eyes nearly blinded by the spotlight While the Daisy folk cheer her on one turned around so we can see the smile on her face & the thumbs up.Artistic composition, created with skilful draftsmanship, beautiful choice blending & application of your colours.

 Comment Written 29-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Jairos

Great Initial impact, Good Frame detail and good Clarity, the colors are Great, good Depth, Well done Jairos

 Comment Written 28-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    Thanks bro for the awesome review
Comment from sherry12034

You met the challenge. This made this art so interesting. The flowers set the mood of this art. And the thumbs up does say yes I can break a challenge given at any time. Great job. The colors are great. Love the use of the flash light on the main focus.

 Comment Written 28-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from nature rules

Fun stuff, Sharpie Mike! I, like everyone else on FAR, enjoy studying your creations and getting your story..or I am not as creative a thinker as you are. Thanks for sharing the story behind this one. I especially like the thumbs up! :D

 Comment Written 28-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    I'm so creative that I fool u with my 1st na me which is mark not mike, but hey I'll answer to anything including hey u..wink. thanks for the awesome review
reply by nature rules on 04-Aug-2015
    Sorry to call you by the wrong name. I will not forget it....and I don't know what made me think I ever knew it. I thought I saw someone else call you Mike. Nice to know you, Mark!
reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    U did see someone call me Mike but statistics for male with the initial would be Mike but not the case rhis.time..wink
Comment from Dick Lee Shia

Nice rendition for csimmons work.
Funny & vibrant.
Excellent hazy backdrop pops out tue subjects in 3d effect.
Harmonious colors. .
Excellent lighting, focusing & framing.
Thanks for sharing...

 Comment Written 28-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    Urs is going to take me a Lil longer..I would have to pick out the hardest one..I'll let ya know when it is ready. Thanks for the awesome review
reply by Dick Lee Shia on 05-Aug-2015
    I can wait, mark!
Comment from victoreahh

I don't think I have seen the piece you were challenged on by csimmons, I will have to look for it, but this is another great creation, fun, vibrant and tells a story. Way to go!

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review