Reviews from

Wrong Place To Hide!

for contest

31 total reviews 
Comment from DMacKay

How funny! I think I've been in that spot before! I love the details of your piece. Always a study. I imagine you have a good time creating them for the viewer! Don't know whether to hope he can't read or not!

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2021
    oh yeah..the whole time im chuckling at the idea that im gonna make others chuckle..wink..i have old one that will make ya a FAR title search for "magic mice". then let me know if you couldnt stop chuckling over it..wink wink..thanks for the great review.
reply by DMacKay on 10-Nov-2021
Comment from willie

Ha! This is great! I guess this little guy needs to learn the best places to hide. Oh! Maybe he did! Maybe it is the size of his brain told him it was a safe place. I like your imagination!
Either way it is funny!

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2021
    ill give ya one more to chuckle dont have to review this old one..all you have to do is chuckle..wink. do a FAR title search for "Magic Mice" will never look at mice the same wat thanks Willie for the great review
Comment from Artistsushma

Hilarious!! How do you come up with such witty concepts!!! I am still laughing at the cute rodent which is so innocently gullible!! He is smug in the thought that he is safe in that spot where there is a price tag and he is out there to defy the " out of stock" status. Kudos

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 09-Nov-2021
    ideas??..oh heck that is the easy a member of an awesome site known as FAR and folks here inspire me in all kinds of ideas..wink thanks for the great review.
Comment from Renate-Bertodi

oh dear. Yes, how true, but is anywhere safe for a poor little mouse anywhere. Do you know there were cases of Jews who survived in Berlin to the end! Because like us, they often spoke several languages, they did what ours did and used their language skills. Back then the Germans and most other Europeans were dreadful at languages. The thing about being in the worst spot is that no one expects you to be there!! Great painting.

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2021
    yep..sometimes it is better to hide in manure. it may smell but you wont be bothered by the for the great review.
reply by Renate-Bertodi on 09-Nov-2021
    what a superb saying. I can't say when, but do you mind if I filch it at some unknown time, it is so good!!
reply by the author on 09-Nov-2021
Comment from Rachel L

Love the "out of stock"
Mouse is absolutely adorable too!
I have to have so many characters so I'll compliment your mouse some more, she makes me think of Green Mile actually.

 Comment Written 08-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2021
    Mr. Ripple! know whats funny..the character he played is a fellow cajun..yep that is one of my people..dont let my last name fool ya..on my mamas side the last name is Garnier..yep im a half breed but my people accepts me..see us cajuns are both black and white and we get along..the rednecks back in the 60's would call blacks coons among other names..and the rednecks call my people coon asses..kinda get the jest of what they are after a half century later now the cajuns will holler "yeah im a coon ass!" really thats weird but now accepted i to make ya chuckle and more is one the way..wink. thanks for the great review.
reply by Rachel L on 15-Nov-2021
    Any time, keep em coming
Comment from TDtraditionalart

Bahaha! Sucker is gonna suffer!! LOL! That is awesome!! Cute little mouse, too cute to kill, but I suppose if he can't read its his own fault. Great drawing here, love your use of colour. Great depth and composition. Your attention to detail is always impressive. Thanks for sharing, all the best in the contest

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2021
    now many caught that lil sucker is gonna suffer..i was begining to for the great review.
Comment from CJ's Way

Hahaha...your too funny! I love it...sucker is gonna suffer, lol... the concept and attention to detail is spot on. Almost makes me feel sorry for the little guy. Personally, im more of a realist when it comes to my artwork, that being said I would have added more depth to the boxes and shading around the bottom of the items and the rats rump. Im not really acquainted in the realms of cartoonist art but following you I am learning and picking up on some of the smaller details. So far its been a fun, interesting and intriguing ride. Keep up the good work. You're a good artist.


 Comment Written 07-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2021
    i joke around and say that us cartoonist is the ghetto of the art world. we are good for entertaining and advertising..most cartoonist do the basic jest of outline and lil colors with details. the goal is the viewer to understand what the cartoonist is saying in that image. see the reason i say there is a big difference between artist and cartoonist is this..artist express themselves in their work..they can slap together some paint and call it an abstract..that would have the viewer twisting their head trying to figure out what that abstract represents..or an artist will stand out front giving this line about he painted it for world hunger or peace or some kind of bull. with a good cartoonist a viewer can not only immediately know what the scene is but understand the jest of the story without the cartoonist having to explain what he drew. i do get tickled when folks on here on FAR type out this paragraph trying to explain what they drew or painted. when i mentioned that if they have to explain what they have drawn then they failed as a illustrator folks think im a A-hole..cartoons does not require a lot of detail yet i add many in to have the viewer wander in the image to catch them. many dont catch them all. not bad for a guy who never had a art class in his life huh? my teachers were DC, Marvel, Warren Publishing and Heavy Metal. in my young years i copied from the masters like Frank Frazzeta, Richard Corbin and Jack Kirby as example. after the years i started to create instead of copy. thru the decades i trained myself with these sharpie and bic pens of what i can do and not..half century later im finally getting it a cartoonist that is..wink. thanks for the great review.
Comment from avmurray

You were right Mark, I did have a good laugh when I saw this picture. Indeed a wrong place to hide. LOL No wonder the poor rat was out of stock. You truly have a creative mind, and also a good sense of humor.

The rat, or perhaps it is a mouse, is drawn paying such a good attention to details, and I think it is looking rather cute. The colors are as always crisp and clear.

The set up is perfect, and this makes for a good and well balanced composition. I think this is a truly funny and also well done sharpie drawing, and I wish you luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2021
    thanks AV for the awesome review.
reply by avmurray on 08-Nov-2021
    You are more than welcome Mark.
Comment from Ana Maria Russo

Ahahahahahah! You were right! I'l really laughing out loud! I love it!! Both my thumbs are up :-)) That's what I call a very fertile imagination. Great! I just loved it. You may post more like this ahahahahah!

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2021
    i usually do..wink about FAR title search for these 2 titles..(i have many more but you chuckle for sure on these) search "magic mice" and "dragonfly pole dancing"..those are a drop in the bucket but gaurantee to chuckle..wink..thanks for the great review.
Comment from shoregrass

This is hysterical and another one showing off the depth of your humor and imagination. I love the detail on the boxes and the mouse. A very fun entry for the contest. Good luck.

 Comment Written 07-Nov-2021

reply by the author on 08-Nov-2021
    thanks for the great review.