Reviews from

....Snake Skin Island Bed

Bed #35- Mostly Annuals

31 total reviews 
Comment from Gail Ross

Lovely photo. I want to be walking on that trail. Great focus and lighting. The shadows in the back make the beautiful flowers at the front shine. Excellent framing. Great job.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    People are going to be shocked Gail (including you I bet) when I tell you that that 'trail' is my road/driveway. LOL I do live out in the sticks. But if I've brought you into my photo then mission accomplished. Thank you so very much for checking this one out.

reply by Gail Ross on 10-Jan-2017
    Such tranquility!
Comment from ruthiedeeez

what a pleasant shot to look at. I so long for spring!!! I love the different textures you captured drawing ones eye into the shot. The colors are excellent as is the attention to detail. Thanks so much for sharing

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    I am like a painter w/ my flowers Ruthie....always planning what color to put to match heights etc etc. Better than a canvas b/c I get to do it all outside. Thank you so much for checking this one out too. I do appreciate it.

reply by ruthiedeeez on 10-Jan-2017
    you are welcome Deb, keep up the good work (-:
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017 are very kind Ruthie.
Comment from Paul G.

So, if I were to say that borders on OCD would you slap me
..?? lol. Actually, I would do something similar, but I know I am crazy. A lovely photograph, my friend. Full of color and variations. Love it.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    Uh-oh Paul...PCS?? I don't know what it means's just the wrong end of the day and I can't remember??? Please do tell and I PROMISE not to slap you. It will drive me nuts if you don't.

reply by Paul G. on 10-Jan-2017
    Au to correct got me. Was supposed to be OCD. I am a touch that
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2017 oh man your auto correct went wild on that one Paul. OCD w/ my doubt about it....with my photos of those gardens too I'd say. Thank you for answering. That PCS had me stumped for sure!
reply by Paul G. on 11-Jan-2017
    Well, PCS could be Pretty Cute Showgirl. Describe you right now,
reply by the author on 11-Jan-2017 have COMPLETELY redeemed yourself for calling me obsessive and compulsive Paul!! Never mind the fact that it's, no doubt, true.
Comment from michiganmike

A very nice shot with fine cropping and beautiful colors. I like the rocks and the path leading out of the scene. The flowers are nicely detailed and the setting is excellent.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    LOL...that 'path' mm is actually my driveway/road. I really do live out in the sticks. To be honest though- the section you see here is probably the worst spot. Many of the rocks were ones cleared out when making the road. It was nothing but an old cow path before I moved here. Thank you again for checking out my newest post. I do appreciate it.

Comment from nikman

Judging by this photo you must have some garden and really love gardening! Your shot presented here speaks of summers past which we are missing here right now. The photo is well composed, sharp and has good exposure. Well done!

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    There is NOTHING better than being outside in the flower beds on a beautiful summer day Nik. I am never happier. Yes, summer seems very far off here today as well. Exactly why I posted a bright, cheery summer shot and I really appreciate you checking it out. Thanks so very much.

Comment from swimmer74

Wow, this shows how good you are; you've got a good green thumb and a nice niche for photography; the stones nicely break up things; what a mix of color and brightness!; I can see the years of work put into this; wonderful display.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    The very first bed I dug here Swimmer.....15 years ago. I know you particularly enjoy my garden bed photos so thought you might like my little square format here. just HAD to have something besides snow to look at today. Thank you so very much for being so generous w/ your rating. I really do appreciate itt.

Comment from Envision

Very cool how you cataloged your gardens. That's right up my alley - I like lists and drawing plans and cataloging. Good to know there is a kindred spirit out there :) Bed #35 makes me smile! Just like the photograph. The colors are so vibrant and framing the path next to the garden leading in to the background helps give this much depth. The rocks are also lovely. Very nice flowerbed!

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    That is actually my road/driveway Grace. Makes me understand why the plow guy hates plowing at my place. Getting all my gardens digitally represented on my computer was a LOT harder than actually digging them!! But kindred spirits we are b/c I stuck w/ it.....took me two summers and a whole winter to do it but now I know where every single plant and what variety it is even when the beds are under 3'+ of snow!! Thanks so much Grace. I really appreciate you having a look.

reply by Envision on 10-Jan-2017
    A lot of work! I'm glad you stuck with it because I think it's probably very satisfying knowing exactly what and where things are. I like the driveway -probably not so much if I had to plow it :)
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    Sounds like you're like me Grace. Yes, EXTREMELY gratifying. I even got some little metal signs I could write then bed numbers new puppy started pulling them out of the beds and running off w/ them. OMG...ahahahah
reply by Envision on 10-Jan-2017
Comment from Neilnap773

as you know I'm always interested in your garden images and i love the description with this one and i like how you have numbered your many beds are there in total ? ? will we see all of them at some point from number 1 onwards ? great presentation my friend

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    There are almost 70 your mouth hanging open??? They start up here by the house- in front of the wood shed and go a LONG way down my road then come all the way up the other side. Then I started digging beds up by the edge of the woods for flowers that preferred shade. I'm literally a mad woman w/ a shovel in my hand. You can see why it was such a chore getting them digitally represented on my computer. Thank you so very much Neil for your interest in my gardens. I promise to post more of my 'Bed' photos.

reply by Neilnap773 on 10-Jan-2017
    now that would be interesting :P I have painted a few in my time!! anyway I'm in awe of your 70 odd flower beds and look forward to seeing more and just you be careful with that shovel in your hand !!!!!
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017 the moment all I can do w/ my shovel is move snow Neil. That's precisely why I was in the mood for a garden photo.
Comment from Sean T Phelan

Having a deep fascination with Snakes ( with all Reptiles and Amphibians actually! ) I'm certainly enjoying this fine looking view of your 'Snake Skin Island Bed'!
A very 'Good Show',my friend!

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    Why thank you Sean. I thought you, in particular, might enjoy my name for this bed. ALWAYS appreciate you checking out my new posts. Thanks so much Sean.

reply by Sean T Phelan on 10-Jan-2017
    You're very welcome,Deb! This one has a great 'Summertime' look to it! : D
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    Doesn't it Sean! Needed something besides SNOW to look at today!
reply by Sean T Phelan on 11-Jan-2017
    Lol! FOR SURE,Deb! : )
Comment from nature rules

Oh my goodness...I love traveling to your gardens through your notes and your photos. This is one of my favorites.. Imagining those snake skins and enjoying the smooth and sharp contrast of the rocks among your flowers has been a delightful little staycation!!

Your annuals are two of my favorites. And they are certainly opposites in every way...a nice duet in this garden I think.

Do you ever carry water to your gardens Deb?

This photo as a whole is perfection. Vivid colors...a path into the shade and excellent DOF. You know me...I always back off of saturated colors a bit. But boy do I love seeing these in your garden!! Thank you again for sharing your home with us lucky people here on FAR!

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2017

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    LOL...Oh no Becky...I have a very elaborate collection of hoses. I used to think I would marry any man who would come dig trenches for my hoses....OMG....either they didn't like the work or I didn't like them so started digging them myself. Another season or so and I should be able to reach even this bed w/o having to drag hoses behind me. Many seasons I don't have to water more than once or twice anyway....luckily.

    Now this photo Bec- I did nothing w/ the color. Do you think it's too much?? Not sure what I could have done about it anyway except to not photograph after a rain....gardens always look pretty lush then. That 'path' btw is my driveway/ of the roughest sections. Probably the one the snow plow guy objects to most strenuously. Thank you for checking this one out and I am so happy to share my gardens. Two years ago I was asked to open them up to paying visitors. Finnegan heartily I should consider it again now??


reply by nature rules on 10-Jan-2017
    Oh I absolutely think you should open them up for paying visitors! I bet Comanche would love it..being on the younger side of Finn. You actually should start your own plant stand..I'm serious. Your starts and seedlings would be snatched up in truck loads! If you had a bit of a business down that long, country (in the truest sense) road..I bet the village would see to it that it was plowed!!
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2017
    You know I never thought about it that way before Bec. And I always hate to thin things out and toss them into the compost pile (although I do have the most colorful compost heap around b/c of it) Some things just refuse to die. You're right though...Comanche is young enough to not mind people around the way Finnegan did and if I put a sign out at the other end the plow guy might take me more seriously.....hmmmnnn