Reviews from

Quiet Beast

Bengal tiger

70 total reviews 
Comment from Loyd C. Taylor, Sr

Hello Diane. Now I know you were not just toyng around with this great piece. He is a terrific tiger, love his expression, color aond the background. It is very good. Loyd

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2012
    thank you Loyd. and no this is one of those pieces that took quite alot of time, but since I always need to have some fun, I had to get away from this piece more than once to play , that's where the colorful balls came from LOL
    thank you for a fantastic rating also
reply by Loyd C. Taylor, Sr on 16-Jan-2012
    It was a pleasure, Loyd
Comment from lkhagerty88

Lovely tiger, his eyes are wonderful! It's impressive that the form is foot on when you think its done by computer! It would have been nice to see texture on his fur but overall is excellent and your hard work paid off

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2012
    thank you so much for such an outstanding review. I'm still working on trying to improve the textured look on fur. I've come along way with digtal art in only a year, but I still have so much to learn.
    Your review was a thrill
    thank you again
Comment from Delia1111

I have no idea how you did all this, but you sure did it right!
Very life like, tiger.
The colors are great and the stripes look original. Well done!

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2012
    Thank you so much Deliia for your entusiasm and wonderful review to this piece. You have made my day
Comment from andreetou

Really something different. Looks like he is posing in the studio. Sounds complicated to produce. Stunning.

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2012
    I can't thank you enough andreetou for such kind words and taking the time to review this piece
Comment from Rivergirl51

This is a beauty. The colors are so soft and subtle. The detail to this proud animal can be seen in your brush strokes. You did an awesome job with this.

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2012
    what a kind thing to say rivergirl
    thank you so much for your review and taking the time to write one
Comment from Natalie C Howe

Its beautiful. very accurate in the expression of the tiger. And the background is nice too. Although i wouldn't have mentioned that its painted over from a photograph that you found. It just doesn't seem like its yours. But i understand anyways. I appriciate that this probably took you quite a while.

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2012
    sorry but you misread that. IT'S NOT A PAINTED OVER PHOTGORAPH, I did a SKETCH OF THE PHOTGRAPH. sorry you misunderstood what I said . I never paint over a photogrpah thats' not a painting its a photograph, if you could please rerate this piece approatiely I'd deeply apreciate it
reply by Natalie C Howe on 16-Jan-2012
    OHHHH ok haha yes i see thanks for clarifying lol I just couldn't give a full 5 for it but i shall see what i can do :):) sorry about that.
Comment from willie

Nice work!
This is really a pretty scene! I like the pose. The colors are good. I have enjoyed viewing your talent! Good job!

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2012
    you have given me a woderful compliment willie and telling me that you have enjoyed viewing my talent is the kindest thing that I could ever hear from anyone about my work, it makes me realise that although I see flaws in everything I do, I must be doing somethng right
    thank you again willie
reply by willie on 16-Jan-2012
    You are doing something right! You need to improve like all of us. Just keep working and try to get better each time!
Comment from Betty517

I would put this under mixed media. I can see where you used a paint program to paint the tiger and also see the floor looks digital. Love your use of yellows and oranges! Great picture.


 Comment Written 15-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2012
    mixed media is a photgraph and digtal painting but this has no photograph or clipart in it, but thank you for the advice, getting these catagories right can be sooo confusing LOL
    thank you Betty for taking the time to review this peice and the wonderful review that you have given it, it means alot
Comment from sarnewfie

Very nice. This has such a wonderful softness to it. I love your color choices and texture choices. The highlighting is chosen well.

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2012
    I can't thank you enogh for a wonderful review and taking the time to wrtie one
Comment from heedamarie

Beautiful subject in beautiful light. Lovely pose and expression. Like where you put the horizon line. Nice job.

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2012

reply by the author on 16-Jan-2012
    you have no idea how wonderful it is to hear someone say that the placement and horizon is good, I get so many reviews on the placement of my main subject, they are either too high, too low, too much to the left, too much to the right etc. since I really take to heart each review that i get and attempt to learn from them , man can I get confused with those types of reviews, if everyone or even two or three would agree on the same thing then at least i'd know where to go with it.. LOL
    it doesn't take alot to ocnfuse me any way lol
    thank you again for a very kind review and rating
reply by heedamarie on 16-Jan-2012
    diane always go with your own eye and heart. you know best its your art. you can never please everyone so make sure you please your self first. my best regards. lisa