Reviews from

Rainbow of colors from green

Lovely Lahore's spring

325 total reviews 
Comment from Samantha Grey ;)

The flowers are so bright and colorful . The way that you took the picture gives it the illusion of being a three dimensional manner.

 Comment Written 03-May-2013

reply by the author on 09-May-2013
    thank you so much dear samantha..Sohail Anwar
Comment from michaelsm55

Initial Impact 9
Creativity of presentation 9
Color Harmony 7
Center of interest 7
Technical Excellence 8
Technique 9
Textures 8
Lighting 9
Focus 9
Contrast 8
Lots of different vibrant colors. Interesting image.

 Comment Written 03-May-2013

reply by the author on 09-May-2013
    Thank you so much dear Michael for such detail comment..Sohail Anwar
Comment from click3333

Ooh...really like the black background, makes the flowers really stand out. they look good enough to eat:) Excellent clarity, color and depth. thanks so much for sharing. Have a great day.

 Comment Written 03-May-2013

reply by the author on 09-May-2013
    thank you so much dear click3333..Sohail Anwar
Comment from Capture This

Very nice picture, but yes for a 7mehapixel P&S I see the focus is a bit blurry. Don't sweat it though, my 12megapixel P&S still takes fuzziness now and then. Great colors, and crop.

 Comment Written 03-May-2013

reply by the author on 09-May-2013
    Thank you so much dear capture This...Sohail Anwar
Comment from photobugs

Pentax has natural amazing colors. I am more impressed with their color schematics. When taking a shot like this it helps to hold the focus down and step forward or back several inches it focus the camera to sharpen on it's owm

 Comment Written 03-May-2013

reply by the author on 09-May-2013
    thank you so much dear photobugs..Sohail Anwar
Comment from Rickyrick

Lovely vibrant picture, the little flowers have a kind of abstract quality, lots of interest, some of the leaves are to me a bit distracting but overall very pretty.

 Comment Written 03-May-2013

reply by the author on 09-May-2013
    Thanks dear..Sohail anwar
Comment from MoZart Studio

This is a really nice picture. I love all the colors but personally I think you should have put more flowers in there.

 Comment Written 03-May-2013

reply by the author on 09-May-2013
    thank you so much dear Ksymozilla..yes some of my short have remaining flower...LOL...Sohail Anwar
Comment from photoman12

These flowers just pop off the screen. Great colors and the details are all together. They look like buttons.

 Comment Written 03-May-2013

reply by the author on 09-May-2013
    Thank you so much dear photoman..Sohail Anwar
Comment from bunkie

Oh, your captured colors are so vibrant a and sharp. Compositional arrangement is excellent. Enjoy how your flowers pop with dark green back ground and abstract look feel. Thank you,

 Comment Written 09-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 14-Apr-2013
    Thank you so much dear Bunkie for sweet words and rating..Sohail Anwar
Comment from Mollie213

I really like this. All the different colors, all the
greens mixed among the flowers. Great clarity.
Great job.

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2013

reply by the author on 14-Apr-2013
    thank you so much dear Mollie for nice words and rating..Sohail Anwar