Reviews from

To ink or not to ink

Viewing comments for Page 13 "Little Rock 1957"
a collection of ink marker drawings in 2011

70 total reviews 
Comment from Dick Lee Shia

A journalistic creation with a civil rights concern.
Great story telling factor.
Dramatic shadows from concerned citizens depicting disgruntled facial expression.

Harmonious colors.
Fine features & smooth textures.

Thanks for sharing...

 Comment Written 24-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2020
    Thanks Dick for the awesome review
Comment from Renate-Bertodi

Great painting, but as an outsider who lived in Arkansas, I wonder at the total truth. My really best friend there went to that school and told me a few, but on the whole, her black friends did not want to be bussed about and preferred their own area places as did they. But the extremists always gain the day. I watched her closely with black people, but can only say she was polite and friendly always. Some people tried too hard to be 'black-friendly' I felt and it was obvious and some people just want to be confrontational and/or perfectionists?- and it is not a perfect world. I think the whole thing was hyped to the sky by the media etc as I used to read all about it too and it was not the general opinion at all, rather more guilt at the English slave trade, as always the english at the core of it all. Excellent painting however. Beautifully presented as one expects from you, always.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2020
    I grew up in that environment and I always was the odd school I was mostly the only white kid in the class ...since I'm half Cajun and originally a Yankee from Michigan redneck's treated me pretty close to the same as the blacks...course I was called either a frog, a coon ass, or just a damn Yankee. Of course the blacks we're screwed over by whites for so many years they also look at me as a white school in life I would socialize only with folks that would accept me as a human instead the color of my skin. I joke around saying "I can't wait till aliens from another world come to attack this planet! Why? Because it won't make a damn what color you are cause all that will matter will be aliens versus humans. Then for once we all will get along!"..wink. thanks for the great review
reply by Renate-Bertodi on 31-Jan-2020
    what is a Cajun? I know how you feel, I am a nazi dog to some, a foreign dachshund to others, go back where you came from- in Germany from the east -go back where you came -from-my brother was killed at 13 in germany and went through hell, because our mother, being Hungarian, left him with black hair, drop our trousers was regular, four youths ripped a testicle off when he was 10 as they all attacked him on his way home from school. I wont go on I now prefer to be just a straight foreigner and leave it at that.
reply by the author on 31-Jan-2020
    French/Indian.. after the French Indian war the English push a lot of French out of Canada..from Michigan to Louisiana we went down the Mississippi. The majority of my people mostly settled down in southern Louisiana. We referred to ourselves as acanadians ..Cajun for short. You know on my dad's side is great grandma came from Frankfurt. The funny thing is most of the redneck's in the south are English and Irish descent..yeah those English seem to like giving everyone
Comment from Brendaartwork18

A fantastic part of your life here with a sad twist. And disapppintment in the message this sent out. But all is never lost you have a winner and it is being shared now. I am not surprised you won, this is an outstanding artwork. The colours have an African flavour, the people are well formed, their expressions tell the story too. There is depth and balance and an appeal that makes you want to see more of your work. (Never give up)

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2020
    Click the tiny gray box on this one and can see more like the other post..I have a few books out there. Thanks for the awesome review
reply by Brendaartwork18 on 22-Jan-2020
    Glad you are mentioning books. Where can i find how they work. I have a few different orojects and it would be useful to collect and identify the different series.
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2020
    Under "post" then "create a book". The rest is easy can also have that book to be reviewed if it deserves the Diamond find that on awards.. look forward to it when you create it. Let me know..ok?
reply by Brendaartwork18 on 22-Jan-2020
    👍I think I've done that a few times but how do you access it if it's not named. 🤔🧠dead
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2020
    "post'..."book collection" will see options from there
reply by Brendaartwork18 on 22-Jan-2020
    Got it. And you can move pet posts too. I just made one doing a winnie the pPooh revival project....
Comment from alaskapat

Very well suited to this day , this shows the racism that sadly still exists today, it's something that I have never understood and still don't. You have illustrated this scene very well with excellent facial details and expression the story is told without the need for words, it's wrong no matter how you look at it. Well created and presented!

 Comment Written 20-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2020
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Zilyram

There is still so much racism around the world and in Australia it seems to be increasing - sorry they didn't accept your work as this shows the emotion of the time really well. I personally have never understood what people have against anybody that is different we all are born the same way - bleed the same blood and end up dying whether we are black, white, brown or any other skin tone or whether we are "normal" or disabled. Sorry shouldn't rant. Love this work though.

 Comment Written 20-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2020
    I'm waiting for aliens attack this planet..that way color won't aliens against humans no matter what color..wink..thanks for the awesome review
Comment from TAB_that's me

I think this is great. Too bad the museum didn't want it. I don't even know what color you are and it doesn't matter to me but in those southern states, unfortunately it still does. Actually, I thought you were female when I selected the art - lol. I didn't pay attention and that doesn't matter either. I am gay so the Orlando shooting really had an effect on me.


 Comment Written 07-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 08-Jul-2016
    most of us down here in the Orlando area was affected as well..our diverse culture has come together over it..thanks for the awesome review
Comment from a.samathasena

What a great nice amazing artistic and very important story include Art.Wonderful nice work and great scene.I was read about and I know the world famous great persons.I respect to them.The Ladies,actions,color cloths and b/g,soft light and all are gorgeous and great.Color and light balance are very nice and great.I like this talent work and scene.Creativity color are excellent.Great job.Well Done.Thanks.{Wish your talent.}

 Comment Written 05-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2015
    Thanks for the awesome review
Comment from momentsofjoy7351

Wow, great take on this not so well known moment in time. This is a great image - the moment was a show of fearlessness and bravery for the students crossing that NOT SO invisible line.. You captured both. Your imagery also brings to mind the horrid reaction of the crowd. Great job.

Someone did do a movie and it was pretty good but that was a while ago. Don't remember who but I agree, the tracks are still separate and no matter what some people will never let go of their visions askew and others will be motivated by all things to their advantage. I guess it helped your curator to be seen in the limelight.

 Comment Written 05-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 09-Apr-2015
    So true..thanks for the awesome review
Comment from Eigle Rull

This IS A VERY GOOD DIPLICTION OF THE SCENE during this hard time in the U.S.A. Very good detail;, as always.

Always with respect,

 Comment Written 12-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2014
    thanks for the great review
Comment from Mr Jones

just starting off on the last paragraph we live in a society where we have now inverted racism. like in england the police have to recruit a quota of gay folk and also certain ethnic minorities. they do so even though these people might not be up to the job or not. your notes were very interesting and your style really translates just as well to serious subjects.

 Comment Written 31-Jan-2014

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2014
    thanks bro for the superb review(bowing(