Reviews from

Grocer an Unsung Hero


23 total reviews 
Comment from tinlight

This is a nice, bright tribute to the grocery store workers we all take for granted. Mum's basket is brimming with healthy veggies, and they all look fresh and crisp. The only problem I have is with the boy. He looks like a miniature adult. I think if he's a kid, he should have a slightly bigger head relative to his shoulders.

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    hmmm it look to me to be a 3yr to 4 old size..hmm they must grow them big in your thanks for the review.
Comment from Happy Snappy

Did you pinch my peppers and tomatoes for this picture lol? It's good but I prefer your dog ones. The boy looks a bit short like he is sitting on the floor. I love the woman shopper though with her bright coloured dress and bright basket of groceries. Off to count my tomatoes lol >>>>

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    3 to 4 yr old..i was doing this like it could be an ad for the grocer business..thanks for the good review.
reply by Happy Snappy on 21-Aug-2012
    He's got an older face though. he looks a bit like my son as it happens with the red hair and blue eyes. I think it would be great as an ad on a poster. Just need to sort the boy out cos it keeps bugging me that he looks about 12-14 but really little!
Comment from WendyG

Wonderful work of art here, and your comments are spot on! Excellent detail and vibrant colors that catch the eye. Top job MK!:)

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    thanks wendy for the great review.
Comment from khristysdesigns

This is a great drawing, but I do however think the back ground color really makes the girl in the blue look like she's a tad green. I know your intension was not that, if she was perhaps infront of maybe a different shade of color, could be her shirt too. but I like the colors, the shading is really good and yes, you should remember how the process of how we get our food, it's very important that people know how much cost and labor goes into feeding us all!

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    thnkas khristy for the good review.
Comment from havinfun

Wow, not only is the picture awesome but your notes are sooo good and really make you think about the domino effect. I am concerned with the price of diesel because my husband drives a diesel truck, and the price is definitely out of control. This is an awesome tribute to the grocery clerk, details are amazing, beautiful colors, as usual it is GREAT. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    thanks dear for the great review.
reply by havinfun on 21-Aug-2012
    You're very welcome.
Comment from Photowhisper

You sure are making quite a statement with this piece! I love it! I have always been on that side of the counter in retail and I do understand the " cost of doing business!" A great entry for this contest! Best of luck! By the way the ink is great!

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    yep me to been ther done that..thanks for the great review.
Comment from esgjag

Another great work of art from a great artist. Prices should go down in theory. The Obama administration has replace around 8% of our oil consumption with renewable energy sources. Here we have had our energy prices go up not because oil cost but because oil companies use blips in our oil refineries to raise price. The other reason is your dollar is worth much less since Bush administration ran our economy down to the ground. We flooded the economy with worthless paper money making the value of your dollar less valuable. Please show me that pledge that you speak of? What he said if we begin to invest in renewable energy we will become less and less dependent on foreign oil. Thus in a so called free market the price should go down. But the rich push future up through investing their their riches that are taxed much less then the working people of this country. Twisting facts is the MO of the right neo capitalist who are liquidating the assets of the country.

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    lolol..are you still beating the bush and turning the blind eye to the democratic majority congress who is just as damn guilty? if anything we as fellow armericans are as equal to blame with us bending over for the union workers as well as the major auto industry..who have had the ability to convert to vehicles that can do over 200 miles on a battery charge(been out for 10yrs) but did we worry about things like that? not really we like the muscle cars and never think of stretching anything unless we are on our last really when i hear big daddy obama playing that blame game all i see is hitler with a tan making his marching speech and promises and romney aint no different. god where is perot when you need day the independents will give both parties another scare but it aint gonna be this matter who you vote for ..they are both from the same cloth so to speak..than ks for the review.
reply by esgjag on 21-Aug-2012
    no my friend it is you that turns a blind eye. Statistics show that Uneducated people tend to be right wing leaning. Now you want to blame unions. If it were not for unions we would not have the rights we have as workers. The protections we have. Look at your history my friend. Brazil is energy independent because they took our technology in the 70's and ran with it. Conservative who support big oil blocked it here in this country. Thats easy to research if you know how? Not Obama is trying to bring back and in this short time has reduced our dependence on Oil by 8%. Converting Autos I guess the electricity that is used to recharge those cars falls from the sky? LOL. How about forcing the auto companies to produce higher milage cars. Invest in technology that produces a combustable engine the is efficient and produces milage in the 60 + miles per gallon? Blame game lol its clear who screwed up this economy so lets not go there. Its called 2 wars that were unpaid for, Phil Gramm elimination of a regulation that allowed big banks to rape this country and tax cuts for the rich = less tax revenues while increasing spending. Not very complicated Mike. Keep drinking the punch my friend "Hitler" please it is people like yourself my friend that promote that ideology. Its like you Olympic work. What have you done to change that attitude? Nada my friend in fact you promote it. That same attitude that promoted the "manifest Destiny" that its our Christian right to conquer those in the name of God. Get facts right my friend Obama eliminated 716 billion in waste in Medicare and re-injected into the system to lower cost and insure 40 million more Americans.
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    oh hell now you have got my experience as previously a contract paid by the qaulity of work as well dont get paid till the job is done..the union worker? oh he gets to lof around with something in his hand like he si doing something..if he shows up for an hour and sent home..thats ok.he gets paid still for half day for wasting his time(dont work in the self empolyed business) of course the way some of the major cities that is strangled from the past politics for those LAZY union people to where they must hire a certain percentage of union(more watsed dollars that is passed to the consumer of course) and lets talk about the auto industry..we as americans are so stupid to not let GM go under with the bs thatwe are saving jobs..really? i didnt hear anyone whine for american motors and they did try to keep jobs in america..where as GM has screwed the american workers a many a times..dont beleive me? go to Flint michigan..Gm Bent that city over and gave it to them while they moved that factory to canada..But daddy obama says he is saving american jobs..and yes you people are the blind ones not seeing the tremendous money they (unions and auto mfg)soaked money thru in obamas election knowing a payday was around the corner..or better yet you believed that BS from the new CEO of Gm that they have paid back thier loans with interest and i bet you didnt pay attnetion where they borrow the money form to pay it off..oh my it was from the government..oh yeah im stupid alrighty..i should really get people to see the stupidty of both the democrat and republican paries are and how they are so out of touch except for a certain peoples agenda..the rest walks around like a zombie in lala land singing..oh yeah big daddy promises everything!oh by the way there is so much government mandates made over the years to protect where the only thing union is good for is who is gonna be in the boys club to enjoy the gravy train because if they were in the self employed business..they would come to think of it they would be collecting food stamps and free check..after all they would have to least show up for an hour to earn that..wink
reply by esgjag on 21-Aug-2012
    I see lazy people. GM didn't go under because of unions my friend its call idiot ideology by its management. It is now on a big comeback because our president set up management guidelines that they have to follow. Those are the facts that they have been forced to manage the company as it should be. Your anti unionism tells me that you would prefer that we go back to abusing children as they do in China. Unions had nothing to do with the down fall in this country. They did help bring your people out of the swamps and create a better standard of living for all Americans. AGain wake up its called Neo Capitalism. Its like a cancer that moves from country to country consuming cheap labor to harvest their riches. I would bet my friend I would work you under the ground. Point the finger in the right direction my friend. It certainly isn't the union that brought this country to its knees. Its ideology like the one your preaching now. GM moved to Canada a very strong union country. They moved to pit workers against workers. Wake up. You sounds as though you just came out of the swamps my friend. American Motors you do live in lala land my friend. The fight was there I think you need to look into who blocked the saving of American Motors. And you should know that American motors was bought by Chrysler i think back in the late 70 or early 80s. And what could be salvaged was. Or did you forget Jeep? No one is arguing that GM screwed workers. They were allowed to do this through all the anti Union legislation that has been passed and applauded by people like you. AGain you ideology is that of Romney Corporations are people and have more rights that the average working man. Those are the facts my friend. We gave taxes breaks to finance their move to China and eliminate jobs in this country. The union fought against this while Neo Capitalist like yourself promoted it. Zombie land is that the land of the swamps? Acadians use to fight for the people what happened to you? There is one major city in this country that flies the Acadian flag do you know what city it is? Do you know why you ended up in the swamps? Now you follow those that put you there. I find that amazing. LOL
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    no bought out by fiat and shut down american operations we see what we want to see ..dont we?
reply by esgjag on 21-Aug-2012
    Yes I would agree that you see what you want to see. Thank God I do not have cyclops syndrome that most right wingers have. I am knowns as the man who sees in 1000 directions by the Native Americans. That my friend is a great honor in other words I can see through the crap that most rightwingers cannot. Jeep was owned by American Motors look it up.
reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    you are a legend in your own mind..wink
reply by esgjag on 21-Aug-2012
    lol its amazing how you have no responses to facts. Have been decorated by a sitting president and had face to face with another. Legend no just gifted.
reply by the author on 22-Aug-2012
    actually do but got work pressing and will be glad to come back to the debat..but have to earn money for the moment im sure you will understand
reply by esgjag on 22-Aug-2012
    lol ok
Comment from corrinas creations

woooah thats some notes you got there, had to sit back and have a coffee while reading them lol well you sure got the message across. Whos the character in the bottom right? Great bit of art

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    3 to a 4 yr old kid..justa filler really. thanks for the great review.
Comment from sarahrene12

You are wonderful at details, especially considering its with markers. The grocers color is a little odd. And the little boys size scale is so much different than the other two, it really distracts the eye.

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 Comment Written 20-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    opinions vary .thanks for the review.
Comment from photobeat

love it my dear frirend, her face is excellent and really well done. you have magic lines that they are always stand out. well doen indeed, beny ")

 Comment Written 20-Aug-2012

reply by the author on 21-Aug-2012
    thanks beny for the great review.