Reviews from

Testing 1-2-3

Test Pattern

4 total reviews 
Comment from cleo85

I am not sure if this is intended, but the pattern seems to be pulsating when I look, while my brain tells me that it is not moving at all, but a visual illusion.
The creation has a 3D appearance. The colors are like harmonies, almost as if I should hear them. The pattern remind me of sound waves made visible on a screen.

 Comment Written 19-May-2018

Comment from dalebraatz

As soon as my eyes get focused after be mesmerized I will write a review on this fantastic work here, like the colors and details and textures you have created here, a pleasure to look at, thank you for sharing, dale

 Comment Written 18-May-2018

Comment from Malmax

This is quite an amazing abstract. I love the symmetrical look to it, and the dazzling colors which all look so great together. The title is perfect and this does remind me of waves emanating from a source.
Artistic and very unique and creative work. Always a pleasure to view.

 Comment Written 18-May-2018

Comment from Sean T Phelan

I remember early morning television 'test patterns' as being bizarre,surreal looking things ( sometimes being more intricately detailed than you would think a 'test pattern' would have to be! ) and this colorful digitally produced one that you've presented us with here looks Great!
It's got an interesting 'Outer Limits' look to it that I'm really groovin' on!
: )

 Comment Written 18-May-2018