Reviews from

Riverside Beech Kaleidoscope

Beech Tree beside the Dodder Kaleidoscope

6 total reviews 
Comment from Sean T Phelan

This nicely-presented kaleidoscopic image looks wonderful,my friend!
It radiates a mildly psychedelic kind of Vibration that I'm enjoying very much!

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thanks a million for your complementary review on this Kaleidoscope.
reply by Sean T Phelan on 20-Nov-2023
Comment from nikman

Another good looking nature image posted here with good and repeating patterns posted here! Colours, textures and tones are good. Nicely created!

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 19-Nov-2023
    Thanks a million for your complementary review on this Kaleidoscope.
Comment from Maureen Woychyshyn

Such a lovely and unique visual presented here. Your composition shades and textures are amazing and creative. Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece!!

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 19-Nov-2023
    Thanks a million for your complementary review on this Kaleidoscope.
Comment from alaskapat

This is another gorgeous pattern with the colors that remind me of Christmas. This has the look of stained glass work.
I appreciate the time and thought in choosing the perfect border .
Very well presented!

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 19-Nov-2023
    Thanks a million for your complementary review on this Kaleidoscope.
Comment from seshadri_sreenivasan

This is a picture that brings a sense of joy and calm to anyone who sees it. These flowers look like they belong in a fairytale â?" truly enchanting. Lovely work. Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 19-Nov-2023
    Thanks a million for your complementary review & kind words on this Kaleidoscope.
Comment from supergold

your speciality on this site without any other kaleidoscope entry; and this one with an array of colors from blue through green to red is a masterpiece;

 Comment Written 19-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 19-Nov-2023
    Merci beaucoup mille fois for your complementary review on this Kaleidoscope & kind words.