Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: May 28, 2011

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Donetsk visit 2

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist


Over this morning's tv
a children's science programme
I can barely move from ache
from the pressing of my ribs and the rest
remember I have not had free airwaves
since nineteen eighty four

They accelerated her life..lab Pakistani
(no, if you torture someone daily
present from jewish Quack, Meyer
it shortens their life
especially with a refugee beginning
My chest bone aches in agony and my ribs
and they have bashed my head so hard
for three days I cannot even count simple stuff
which is hard as my bread and butter
is to teach)

No, I would not ask for sympathy
I know that no European deserves sympathy
except our jewish citizens
I have learnt this now

Esther's voice came on then
Esther Rantzen used to be one of my favourite watch
(having myself been abused and raped as a child)
Meyer once watched me listening to her
I can't remember what he indicated to show
he was on the screen on the other end
and I used to defend her
The lab beamed a dirty film
of their porn model into their studio
and told Esther
you've guessed it
that it was me!
they said on t.v.
Esther: another hole.
The lab films people in their homes
plays with them
and sends the films
to former lovers and friends over the pond

Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | A4 paper and water colour
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Donetsk visit 2 by Renate-Bertodi
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