Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: May 29, 2011

coal tips in the distance

Donetsk visit 3

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Sodom and gomorah

this is the Sodom and Gomorah
which will never sink
which manipulates so carefully
that it is impossible to catch out

corrupt longevity run by the Ministries
the old boys of Oxford and Cambridge
who tie knots into everything
yet a dictatorship cleverer than any other

-try to run (I do not live in America so cannot speak for there)
'if you come here' America said today
we too have to use your work, as do they'
we have a deal with the Brits at some level

it appears the nurse's form you were not allowed to read
you were bullied to sign at West Ham Community Health
which had no copies nor can the form be found
Nurse Hughes had you sign away your life with lies

and the jewess wife of Axe Man of Redbridge
torturer extraordinaire, -yes, we had saved jews
at the cost of our own lives, all the family-
at the lab St Barths falsified all other forms

no one can find a copy
nasty kids are allowed to vent any spite on us
because we saved jews by the jews
and because I can paint and write and we are talented...

I have not yet found any other reason as yet
we hated and hurt no man that ever lived..
if you know of one
do write and tell me

but then this is Sodom and Gomorah
wealth for the some
hidden corruption beyond belief
and a law which is merely a 'quietener'

Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | A4 paper and water colours
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Donetsk visit 3 by Renate-Bertodi
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