Category: Cartoon Traditional Art
Posted: February 4, 2012


Grandson Milo, the new Flash

by MKFlood Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Here is my grandson Milo(one of many) and he just turned 5 this past November and all he wanted was papaw draw the cartoon flash so he can hang up in the bedroom. I surprised him, I put his head on the was so funny his mom played hell getting the picture away from him to put it in a frame. Now when they have company he has to show everyone he is the flash. His younger brother is a fan of the green lantern and his birthdays is valentines day and doesn't know I have done one for him too. Shipping it out Monday. I'll post that one tomorrow. This was done on a11x14 , my scanner only does 8x11 and I lost a small piece top and bottom. Hope yall enjoy!
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | sharpie markers on poster

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Grandson Milo, the new Flash by MKFlood
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