Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: March 25, 2012

Fransisco from Spain

Fransisco from Spain

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

Left in a new city, with two kids and never a farthing paid, I had to do what I could, so used our home, as surrogate home for very young students over with Chesterfield School and local Colleges. This was our first, a very young fourteen year old. Quiet boy. who returned to visit us year the following year. Why the Shoe? As a reminder. These are the upper middle classes of Spain. He showed his youth when he placed his shoes in the kitchen to be cleaned!- Brushes and polish under there young man! It was good for many of the boys to come to a home where they had to learn to 'muck in'- but he was a really lovely boy for all that! I taught them at their schools and we adored our surrogate sons and the one daughter who came from France. Fransisco was very unfortunate, someone stole his jeans from off my washing line! That's Sheffield!
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | water colours on paper
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Fransisco from Spain by Renate-Bertodi
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