Category: Drawing Traditional Art
Posted: July 11, 2012


Devils Back Dar

by MKFlood Interested in this? Contact The Artist

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"Twilight Zoned at Crossroads." chapter 3,"Devils Back Dar! On our last chapter about our dense friend, Bubba was in search for the famous crossroads to make a deal with the Devil. He had finally encountered a bluesmanplaying the most beautiful music at a crossroads. Bubba thought the bluesman had arrived first and stolen his deal. So bubba lunges at the bluesman and beat him to death with his guitar. When the police arrived at the scene that morning, there was Bubba. He was standing in the middle of the crossroads with his dumb looks and blood splatter guitar. After the police secured the scene and starting to put the handcuffs on Bubba, the officer asked"did you do this?"..Yep I shore did, He stolen my deel from the devil.It took 3 officers to put Bubba in the squad car. "Wait!I'm waiting for the devil and I can't leave. As they were driving away from the crossroads Bubba looked back and discovered that the devil is sitting on the trunk of the squad car."Hey! Stop the car!Devils back dar and she is a woman!" She smiled and said to Bubba, "you did me a favor by killing him and now I don't have to live up to my end of the deal. Since you help me ill give you want you want.".."Really said Bubba? does that mean ill be able to play the blues?".."oh yes', says the devil, you will ply bertter than anyone famous.also for a bonus im putting you in a special room with your guitar and you can play all the blues you want...its just it will only be you...for enternity..Bubba cried all the way to the police station, only stopping once when the car was passing a sign that read..."the Twilight Zone"....dididididididididididididididididididid
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | Sharpie markers on poster

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Devils Back Dar by MKFlood
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