Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: November 5, 2012

destroying longevity

destroying longevity

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

lab quote today- we wanted and used all your 25 years of work, you are the genuine article. Our Brief was to destroy you in any way. as bossess had invited Health Ministry civil servants into lab to watch you guys for amusement (not asked to be on monitor) she then told the Minister her lover, it was a sex experiment nation wide and I had agreed to it. -- this week they have been setting cancer to ensure death if the triple magnitude radiation remote did not work. they can tell if you are cancerous or not, we were all NONE CANCEROUS- they take the immunity off the machine and set cancer into your breast (Stein- I hit her stomach ) and spine.. then in some time you will get cancer though you are none cancerous. The Americans call it setting it.. London has used it and heart press many, many times. The bossess has been moved to the Ministry so she cannot be sued.. and I know I will never finish painting the dozens of sketches I have started. the Machine predicted I would live to my eighties if left alone, not nineties because of my terrible child hood and youth, which was as nothing compared to what the lab St Barths has done to us.. quote Mohammad is a murderer, keep him on, he might be useful.. He is in the lab now and says: I only did as I was told. Just as the nazi guards who were hanged did!...The simulated illnesses are on a plate, if they put a clean plate on, they come off. What they said they would do, is put a new plate on, once I was very sick THEN ask the gov to come in, saying it was an illness of disease not of their making. In the future it and remote radiation will be used as war weaponry..not just on our own population (Health Minister Arnold: we have a surfeit of population, of course you may use them.) We will qualify destroying you as testing the destruction of longevity..
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | grey and black washes on paper
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destroying longevity by Renate-Bertodi
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