Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: May 17, 2013

in terror

in terror

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

moved to S.10 Sheffield, shivering on the poufee--the lab St barths starts its "games"- first thing they do is give a sort of artificial breakdown, to the "highest" too- and lecturers and separate from partner- this is their first pitch. to the highest too. So the move turns to terror,from 1984- still to this day. I am considering making a Will to pay subscription to ensure my work stays on Fanart a safe site, for as long as pos. The lab has had nearly all my work robbed for its own families, and they have all used it as their own work, to cover Anna Grey having given it to Ministry Personell to use- without my knowing. Years of degrees and creative work, 26 years of daily work, for the rich to become even richer, and pretend they have talent (Dr Myer your wife is becoming a good designer= every one is my drawing) laughed the rich jewish families at me, we can afford the best lawyers, you cannot use the law to get us anyway and saved jews, that was long ago-- we used you to the core and that is all. The government will not help you, they have no idea what goes on- they are totally blind- either dopes or too concerned with their weird sexuality.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | water colours on paper
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in terror by Renate-Bertodi
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