Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: November 6, 2013



by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

after a psychiatrist who had a bad marriage persuaded my ex to dump us: to find hiself/ my two younger sons went 'wild'. From a small town we moved to the city of Sheffield, as himself did not want to be in our hometown when he dumped us- from being stable, however little money he had given us, I now had to be mother and father and could no longer be there to watch over the boys- Once they realised they said things like-my dad is the Benefits office and such- there was a whole load of stuff they went through and eventually both ended on drugs- one is now totally off, having become a hari Krishna devotee, the other is struggling, but a lab crippled him to prove a point- that is the one on this picture..I hid my fears for them, when they were young, in painting them..
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | water colours
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distress by Renate-Bertodi
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