Category: Drawing Traditional Art
Posted: July 5, 2014

Reparation -People

Reparation -people

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

the last time so many people were used for reparation was Charlamagne during the 30 year war when he took 27,000 men, their wives and their children from the ELBE- hence I believe the French have problems with their personality- as for Reparation? the Soviet system was so poor, as soon as the slightest upset came, the system failed, actual war dead were about 3 million, the 20 million figure was every death of the period from childbirth to measles. Then when China heard, theirs was about 5 million they said: oh well if the Russian can have 20 million we will too, their actual number were about 6 mil.(all checked by Sub sound so there are no more lies to tell on the subject.)-- And the Jews said, well we have already put up the monuments, we can't change them now, we are therefore honouring the 3 million ordinary aryan germans who died as well as our 2 million or so.. and the 1 million or so unwanted aliens. Why check, the numbers were impossible, so the USA checked properly. Things are not always what they seem, but they make good scary stories. All children we learnt in literature, love scary stories, it seems adults too!
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | chalks on paper
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Reparation -people by Renate-Bertodi
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