Category: Expressive Traditional Art
Posted: August 30, 2018

war in the Donbas

war in the Donbas

by Renate-Bertodi Interested in this? Contact The Artist

This is happening right now, no one cares..said Kissinger: if they win it back it is their's to keep. Now I wonder what other fingers had part in this and all the former axis countries being tweaked, Hungary being de-stabilized by UK /we want those ancient Austrian landowners out of the country etc/ ha ha ha most of them were Austrian jews so that put paid to that thought! One of the problems of the West is 'the way they mess.' I myself am a product, I was born in Pressburg, once Hungary, our Kings and queens are buried there, in Locarno in 1920 the allies moved the borders gave it all to the Slovaks, who do not have our skills and it became poor. Ofcourse because the Slovaks permitted the USA to put big dishes on their borders to overlook the Soviet and Hungary did not, they are given easy immigration after giving them our land! One destroying thought after another. Historically since Attila's camps, the Huns have always given their support to them, as all the sons who were to become Kings were sent for 7 yrs to Attila's camps to train before they took the throne and were disciplined and treated like common soldiers. We cannot shake hands and then break that promise.
Post Type: Traditional Art
Mixed Media: None | Acrylic on five foot canvas

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war in the Donbas by Renate-Bertodi
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